Household & Address
Each user can have up to five different addresses (home, home 2, business or college, summer, and winter).
Platform managers or constituents with access to edit their contact card can manage address information.
To manage addresses and households in bulk, see household and address list.
To manage addresses and households via individual user's Contact cards, see user profiles: addresses.
All address information, except Home 2, can be imported via a data import.

To share an address, you must have a relationship with at least one user. You do not need relationships with every user who shares the address.
When a change is made to the address in one user's profile, the shared address is automatically updated in the related profiles.

Existing addresses and new addresses can be marked as households, regardless of whether they are shared with other users. Households can have one or more members.
Schools can designate a contact for each household. This enables schools to rely on household addresses for communication purposes. We also recommend entering a salutation for the household ("Smith Family," or "Smiths," etc.) for use with mail merges.
Students can be the household's primary contact. Students can be members of multiple households, such as for divorced or blended families.
Households can include users with the "other" relationship type, such as a nanny.
For every address, schools enter salutations which then appear on
Tip: We recommend you include your school's definition of "Household" and associated communication guidelines in your "Policies and Procedures" guide.

Schools can indicated that addresses or households belong to Regions.
Use Regions to group users by location for searching or reporting purposes. For example, neighborhoods within a city or district (such as Back Bay), or regions of the country (such as New England).
Tip: Consider defining each Region in your "Policies and Procedures" guide.

For each user, schools can indicated that an address is a Mailing address. These addresses appear in labels when you generate a mail merge.
Tip: We recommend you include communication guidelines in your school's "Policies and Procedures" guide.

For each user, schools can indicated that an address is a Preferred address. This adds a "Preferred address" label next to the address.