My Contacts (Address book)
Platform managers can enable the "My contacts" task for any role and customize the instructions that appear on the "My contacts" page.
"My contacts" enables constituents to create their own virtual address book based on a school directory.

If a platform manager has enabled "my contacts" for one of your roles, you can save results from the school directory to your personal address book.
From a "constituent persona" (such as: student, parent, alum, faculty, friend), select Directories and choose a directory.
Tip: Platform managers determine which directories each role can access.
Search the directory.
From the results, select Options and then choose
Add to contacts to save a result to your individual address book
or Remove contact to delete a result from your individual address book.
To view your address book, from a "constituent persona" (such as: student, parent, alum, faculty, friend), select Directories and then select My contacts. From there you can search your contacts, filter contacts, remove a contact (using Options, Remove contact), and change how results should show for your view.
Tip: For users who have access to a directory, the information they have permission to see in the directory depends on the profile publish access settings that platform managers enable users to share and the individual privacy settings selected by each user.

Platform managers can enable the "My contacts" task for any role.
Select Core.
Select Security.
Select Roles.
Scroll down. Under Other, select the All school role.
Select Tasks in the left-hand column.
Select Edit next to My contacts.
Select the Active options for Desktop, Mobile, and App to publish the page
Clear the options to unpublish the page.
Select Save & exit.

Platform managers can customize the instructions that appears on the "My contacts" page. Consider.
Select Core.
Select Settings.
Select Custom labels & text.
Select Custom text/messages.
From the category menu, select My contacts and select View.
Select Edit next to the appropriate message and then enter your changes.
My contacts: No contacts intro - This message appears on the "My contacts" page if a user has not added any contacts. After users add contacts, the message will not appear.
My contacts: No contacts label - This label appears on the "My contacts" page if a user has not added any contacts. After they add contacts, the label will not appear.
My contacts: No results text - This label appears on the "My contacts" page if a search does not return any results.
Select Save & exit.