Pushpage (Newsletter) Editor Access
Pushpage (newsletter) editors have the ability to create newsletter issues for specific templates. They can also send test jobs or regular jobs if given access.

Platform managers create editor groups for newsletter access.
Select Core.
Select Security.
Select Pushpage editor access.
Select Add pushpage editor access group in the top right corner.
Enter a Group name.
Use the filter options to search for users by role and last name. Enter your search criteria and select Find.
Choose users from the search results and select Add to group. They'll appear as "selected users."
If you add someone accidentally, choose the user from "selected users" and select Remove from group.
Choose which templates the group should be able to access. Use the >> arrows to add or remove available templates from your selections.
Select whether the group should be able to send test jobs.
Select whether the group should be able to send regular jobs.
Select Save & exit.

Platform managers update groups for newsletter access.
Select Core.
Select Security.
Select Pushpage editor access.
On the group row, select Edit.
You can rename the group.
Add or remove users from the group.
Select Save & exit.

Platform managers manage editor groups for newsletter access.
Select Core.
Select Security.
Select Pushpage editor access.
On the group row, select the number of editors. The row expands and shows their names.

Platform managers remove editor groups for newsletter access.
Select Core.
Select Security.
Select Pushpage editor access.
On the group row, select delete.
Select Confirm.