Add a custom report
If your school has an active subscription to the Software Development Kit (SDK) , then you can use Crystal Reports to access SQL views via ODBC.
You can then upload files as Custom Reports to the Reports area of the 'Blackbaud's Education Management' products if certain criteria are also met.

Custom reports are created in Crystal Reports.
They are saved as .rpt files.
The .rpt doesn't tie to a local database. Instead, build .rpt files that point to an OLE DB (ADO) connection and use the Blackbaud K-12 Data Access Objects correctly.
The .rpt is built pointing to an OLE DB (ADO) connection instead of an ODBC DSN connection.
Create each query using the view you want. (Do not use the Crystal Database Expert and select a view.)
Never select Save Data with Report. Instead, ensure you pull the latest data with every view of the report.
Tip: For details, refer to this document.

From a capability, such as Core, select Reporting.
Select Reports.
Select Add.
Select Add custom report.
Enter a descriptive Report name.
Select a Category for storage and organization.
Select Choose file. Then browse to and select the .rpt file from your local computer.
Select Save & exit.
To view the report, find it in the corresponding report category.