School Logo and Seals
Platform managers can upload the school logo and seal which can be used on reports, transcripts, and athletic opponent contracts. Logos are also used in your school's front end website as a design element.
Tip: For information about logos for transcripts, see transcript builder.

Select Core.
Select Settings.
Select Application style settings.
SelectLogos and seals.
Select Add new. (logo or seal).
Enter a name to serve as a label for the image.
To upload, select Choose file and pick the file from computer.
Select Yes to make the image a default for logo or seal. Only default logos & seals can appear in mail merges or online applications.
Select Save.

Select Core.
Select Settings.
Select Application style settings.
SelectLogos and seals.
Select Edit to update an existing graphic (logo or seal).
Edit the existing name.
Select Yes to make the image a default for logo or seal. Only default logos & seals can appear in mail merges or online applications.
Select Save.

If an image is not in use, you can remove it.
Select Core.
Select Settings.
Select Application style settings.
SelectLogos and seals.
Select Delete to remove an existing graphic (logo or seal).
Then Confirm you want to permanently remove the image.
Select Save.

The ideal image size will vary based on where and how you intend to use it.
Files should be .PNG or .JPG format. For best results use .JPG.
You'll likely want rectangular logo, such as 400 x 200 px at 72 dpi.
Your seal will likely be square, such as 800 x 800 px at 72 dpi.
If you use PNG files, ensure they are PNG-8 with no transparency and a web snap setting of 30%. Otherwise, the image sale may appear as an undesirable black box.
Tip: You can change the logo that appears in the top navigation of your school solution. See web app style.