User Lists (Core)
Platform and managers can create customizable lists to track and view user information. These lists can also be saved for future use.

Select Reporting.
Select Manage Lists.
Filter by Type to show only User Lists.
These lists are also available in other locations throughout the solution.
Edit Columns and Filters as needed.
To reorder columns, select the header. Then drag and drop it to the desired location.
To save a list for future use, select Save.
Select a user's name to view their Contact card and other profile information as a "fly out" panel.
Use the up and down arrows (at the top) to quickly view other users from the list.
To see their core profile in full screen without the list, select View record.
Select Export to open or save the user list to a csv file.

To add or remove list columns:
Select Choose columns.
Select the columns to add or deselect columns to remove them.
Select Apply Changes and the list results will update.
Select and drag column headers in the results to reorder them.

To view only records that share specific characteristics:
Select Filters and choose the criteria of the items to work with.
Note: Select Clear to remove all filters.
Enter the filter criteria.
Select Apply filters and the list results will update or Clear to remove your selections.
Note: Select Hide to close the Filters menu.

To open a list that was saved previously:
Select Openand then search for the appropriate list.
Select the specific list and then Open.
Note: To only search from lists you created, select the Only my lists filter.
Tip: A manager can also run reports about users. From Core, select Reporting, Reports, and then search for "User" reports. See Reports for information about how to run a report.