Create and Edit Inquiry Forms
Admissions managers can create new inquiry forms from scratch or by copying an existing form.

From the persona menu, select Enrollment management.
Next, select Admissions, Admissions setup, and then Inquiry Forms.
Then select Add Inquiryto build a new form from scratch, or select Copy next to an existing form.
It is recommended that admissions managers initially copy the Sample Inquiry form.
Enter the name of the inquiry form (e.g. Upper School Inquiry Form).
Customize the Confirmation Notification.
Customize the Administration Notification and add recipients.
Select Save.
To edit the inquiry form, select edit across from the name of the form.
After an Inquiry has been submitted, only the "Confirmation" section can be edited on the form.
Update the sections, blocks, fields, and elements as necessary (select on each item below to view additional details).
There are only two sections allowed within an Inquiry Form. Admission managers can alter the names of these sections by selecting “Section Settings” in the upper right corner of each respective section.
Select Preview Inquiry to view the application form in a new browser tab.
Note: Inquiry's can only be deleted if they're not currently in use and will have a lock icon instead of a trash can.

Elements are the static items on the application form such as the headers, instructional text, banner images, and spacers/horizontal lines. Elements can be added between blocks or within blocks.
To add an element to an inquiry form, select and drag the element from the left-hand column into the section/block.
To reorder elements: select, drag, and drop the elements into the appropriate location.
To delete elements, select the red “X” in the upper right corner of the element.

Blocks contain the groups of fields that prospective families need to complete. For example, the “Schools” block contains all of the fields that pertain to the prospective student’s current and previous school information.
Admission managers can choose to display multiple instances of a block within a section. For example, a school may want to display two “Household” blocks. If the Admission manager does not add multiple blocks, prospective families can also use Add Another if they need additional blocks. The same fields (and required fields) from the original block appear in the additional block.
In order for families to utilize the “Add Another”, an Admission manager must select “Block Settings” of the respective block, and choose to “Allow Add Another”.
The following blocks support multiple entries by a prospective family: Household and Referred By.
To add a block to a section, select the name of the section to which the block should be added. From the left-hand column, drag and drop the appropriate block(s) into the section. Newly added blocks will appear at the bottom of the section; blocks can be reordered at any time by dragging and dropping them around the form. Each block can only be used in one section. If the block has already been used, it will be grayed out in the left-hand column. Hover your cursor over the block name to see in which section the block is used.
To remove blocks from a section, select either "Remove Block" or "Block Settings" (depending on the block). After selecting "Remove Block," select "Confirm." Or after selecting "Block Settings," select "Delete" and then "Confirm."
To show multiple instances of a block within a section, select the name of the section to which the blocks should be added. After the appropriate blocks have been added to the section, select "Block Settings" and select the number to show.
To customize "Add Another" for a block, select the name of the section in which the block appears. Select "Block Settings" for the appropriate block and enter the block name. The block name (e.g. Household) will be appended to “Add Another” (e.g. Add Another Household).

After a block has been added to a section, all of the available fields will display. For each field, admissions managers can:
Choose to include the field on the form by selecting "Show" in the "Form Visibility" column. Select "Hide" if the field should not appear on the form. Certain fields (such as First Name and Last Name) are automatically included on the form and cannot be removed.
Some fields appear as dropdowns (e.g. Gender, Interests). To control the dropdown choices, select the blue “Dropdown (Options)” link within the “Form Control” column.
Make the field required by selecting "Yes" in the "Required" column. Certain fields (such as First Name and Last Name) are automatically required.
Change the field label by entering custom text in the "Display As" column (e.g. change the Preferred Name field to Nickname).
Reorder fields within a block by dragging and dropping the fields into the appropriate location.

Admissions managers can set the style for form elements such as the form name, Header element, Text element, and field labels.
From the persona menu, select Enrollment management.
Next, select Admissions, Admissions setup, and then Inquiry Forms App.
Select Edit next to the form you want to modify, then select Save & Edit Form to be taken to the design view.
Select Style.
On the right side of the screen, select an element to show style options (style options will appear on the left)
Select the font
Select the font size
Select the color