Lists and Reports
Through Enrollment management lists, users can find data and information through customized filter criteria and output options. The data can also be saved or exported through Microsoft Excel comma-separated value files, and the user has the option of completely customizing the look of the list through which columns appear, how the data is sorted and in what order it is listed.
From Reporting, Manage lists, all previously created lists appear in alphabetical order. These can be Exported, Deleted, or have its access permission changed through the ellipsis.

Select Build a new list, which then opens a new modal enabling you to select the type of Enrollment management list you want to build. Currently, the choices are:
Candidate List - Shows each candidate in its own row.
Contract List - Shows all contracts on its own row.
Visit & Interview Openings List - Shows all visit & interview openings on their own row.
Visits & Interviews List - Shows all visits and interviews on their own rows.
Once an option is selected, the new list appears. Keep in mind that this starter list can be further modified to fine tune the data that is being returned.
From here you can:
Choose columns - Change the columns that display in this list.
Filters - Refine and change the data that returns through tweaking numerous customizable settings.
When finished, select Save to add this list to your Manage lists section or Export to download it as a csv file.