Tip: For a visual look at Ratings, check out our video here.
The other aspect to Recommendation Forms are Ratings. These can be added to Recommendation forms to allow the faculty member to better define the candidate's skill set for the admissions manager once the form is submitted.
To get started, you can create and manage all rating matrices from Enrollment management, Admissions, Admissions setup, and the Ratings.
This list of ratings can be customized to your needs. Each of the columns can be moved around, you can use the search bar to find a specific matrix, and the list can be sorted by descending/ascending order by selecting one of the column options. Selecting Filter allows you to Hide active, hide inactive, or hide archived ratings.
Previously created ratings can also be edited, copied, deleted, or archived. When a rating is archived, it is removed completely from view, though it is still available if needed. Inactive should be used for ratings that need to temporarily be removed but will be used again at some point in the future.
Warning: Deleted ratings can’t be recovered.
Note: If a rating has even been in use by a recommendation form or associated with a rating matrix on a candidate, it can’t be deleted. Instead, it would need to be archived.

Select +Add rating to create a brand new matrix. From here, you:
Add a name. This is the label that appears within this list and when adding to a Recommendation Form. You can put what ever you want here, but we recommend using a name that represents what you intended to use the matrix for such as measuring a certain candidate skill.
Set the type of matrix it is. Examples can include things like Academic, Athletics, Communications, or whatever else the school needs.
Warning: These options are entirely user defined and should be set up before creating a new ratings matrix otherwise no options are listed here. See Manage types below for setting them up.
Set whether this matrix is active, inactive, or archived.
Enter an optional description to let others know a little more about what this matrix is for.

This section is intended for faculty to add characteristics to be judged on the ratings matrix. Set the name of the Characteristic and then a weight if needed. The higher the weight that is applied, the more valuable the characteristic is.
If you need more, select Add another. These characteristics can also be shifted around and placed in any order that you want.
Note: If you’d like to enable comments, make sure to enable it. Comments are good for faculty to leave additional thoughts on each characteristic as to why they selected the weight they did.

The rating scale is what is used to grade or judge the characteristics previously entered for this matrix. Add the Rating names, a numeric score, and whether or not the rating should be excluded from the score. Again, these values can be set to whatever you need them to be, but a typical example would be something like Good, Okay, Needs Improvement.
Just like characteristics, the ratings can be moved around and reordered as needed. You can also add as many as you need.
Once finalized, you can simply Save it, Save & preview it to see what it’ll look like in a browser, or Cancel to undo everything that has been entered so far.

Use Manage types to create a new label to identify what subjects or characteristics new matrices are intended to be used for. Select Add type to create a new one for use in a Ratings matrix. Once created, you can apply them when adding a new matrix by selecting it as the Type.
You can also edit existing types from here as well, deactivating them, deleting them, or changing the Type name if needed.