View & Process Applications
After a prospective family has submitted an application, admissions managers and staff must process the application.
After an application has been processed, admissions managers and staff can view the application under Checklist on the candidate’s detail page. Managers and staff can also use 30-Day History to view the list of applications that have been processed within the past thirty days.

From the persona menu, select Enrollment management.
Under Admissions, select Admissions management, then Process applications.
Choose the appropriate candidate from the left-hand column to have their profile and details appear.
If the candidate doesn't have a checklist, assign the appropriate checklist using the Checklist to assign dropdown field.
Assign the appropriate staff member to the candidate from Staff to assign. This step is optional.
Review the following:
Family on File: If the prospective family entered relationships on the application form that already exist in the candidate’s Contact Card, those relationships appear in the Family on File section.
Update Existing User Account: Potential duplicate users will appear if the prospective family entered information (e.g. first name, last name, email, phone) on the application form that matches an existing user in the database (but who is not associated with the candidate). Admissions managers and staff can view the information that was submitted on the application form and compare it to the existing user’s information. In addition to being able to edit the information that was submitted on the application form, managers and staff can also drag the email, phone and/or address that was submitted on the application form to an existing user to update that user's information. Managers and staff can then select the new user (from the application form) or select the existing user. Regardless, the user is then added to the candidate’s Contact Card.
Application Form Anomalies: If the prospective family entered information on the application form that does not match existing information on the candidate’s detail page (e.g. testing information, current school information), admissions managers and staff can select to overwrite the existing information upon processing the application or leave the existing information as is.
Other Considerations: Select "Print Application" to view the full application in a pdf.
Select Processto proceed. Print Application Form will generate a printer friendly version of the applicant's submitted application.
To see previously processed applications, select View History. After setting a date range and the active form, matching results populate showing the Candidate Name and the date that they were processed. Select View Application to generate a report with all of the application details.
Keep in mind that until the application or inquiry has been processed, the applicants are not considered users in our system and a merge can't take place as the user's don't exist yet. However, you can merge applicants in a similar way as duplicate users from inside the application process center as long as the merge is between someone in the process center and an applicant that has already been processed.
Warning: Once an application is completed, it is locked down and can't be changed.
Tip: If there is a piece of information that was entered incorrectly after an application is completed, then the only option would to have the individual fill out another application with the corrected details.