Assignment Settings
Academic Group Managers and Gradebook Managers can configure Assignment types, set Assignment Center defaults for faculty, as well as Assignment Center defaults for students and parents, and parent access to assignments by school level. To access the settings, select Academics, Grades, Grading setup, then Assignment settings.
Tip: For a tutorial on setting up grading at your school, see The Guide to Grading Setup.

Assignment types are used for reporting and to organize assignments. For example,
Assignment types are set globally, not by department or course, so be sure to add assignment types that can be used by all
Tip: For a tutorial on setting up grading at your school, see The Guide to Grading Setup.

Under Assignment Types, select + Add Type.
Enter the Assignment type (e.g. Homework).
Enter the Assignment code. If Gradebook is being used, this will be the assignment's abbreviation (e.g. HW).
If your school considers this to be a major assignment type, select Major assignment.
Select Active to activate the assignment type. This option can be changed at any time.
Select Save.

To edit an assignment type, locate it in the list and select the context menu > Edit.
To delete an assignment type, locate it in the list and select the context menu > Delete.
Note: If Delete is not available, the assignment type cannot be deleted. Instead, you can edit the assignment type and deselect Active.

Configure default settings for Students and Parents accessing the Assignment Center, including List vs. Calendar view, and the Calendar default filter.
You can also set view access to student assignments for parents by school level. This determines if parents can view their child's assignments from the Assignments page in the student's profile.
Note: An Academic Group Manager will need to set the Group Page Access if parents should not be able to view assignments on section pages or in the Activity Stream. Platform Managers can also globally prevent assignments from appearing in the Activity Stream.
Under Assignment status behavior, select the status applied to assignments marked No assignment submission when the due date and time passes:
Completed (default selection)
To do

Set the default assigned time and default due time for new assignments. When setting the default assigned time, select a time that will best fit your school community. Keep in mind that Assignment Added notifications will send at the default time if the
You can also configure the default display options for
Tip: For a tutorial on setting up grading at your school, see The Guide to Grading Setup.