Assignments in Topics
When you are creating your Topics, you have the option to include an Assignments widget. The Assignments widget allows you to include specific assignments in your Topic to make it easier for students to access all the Topic content in one place.
Note: There is not currently a way to create assignments from a Topic. Assignments will need to be created before they can be added to a Topic using the Assignments widget. For more information on creating assignments, see Assignments .

From the class Topics page, select edit for the Topic.
Drag the Assignment widget onto the Topic.
From the available list, select the assignments you would like to include in the Topic.
Select Save when finished.
Select Preview Topic to view how the assignments will appear for students in the Topic.
Once added, students can use the assignment titles to access these assignments and complete them from the Topic.
Warning: If you notice a select assignment is not appearing on the Topic, you will want to check that the assignment is published to all of the sections the Topic is shared to. If a Topic is published to two sections but the assignment is only published to one section, the assignment will not appear until it is published to both sections.

Once you have added the Assignments widget to your Topic, you can edit the publishing settings for the widget by:
On the Assignments widget, select the gear icon.
Under Publish, you have the following options:
Published during range
Select Save when finished.