Athletic Notifications
Students, parents, and coaches can subscribe to email and text notifications for athletic games and practices. Constituents can only receive notifications for teams with which they are associated.
When games and practices are added or updated, Athletic Group Managers and coaches can determine if a notification should be sent or not.
Athletic Group Managers can also customize or inactivate notifications. Constituents cannot subscribe to inactive notifications.
The available athletic notifications are:
Game Added: This notification sends when an Athletic Group Manager or coach adds a new game to a team.
Game Changed: This sends when an Athletic Group Manager or coach edits/cancels/reschedules a game.
Game Reminder: Constituents can receive a reminder about upcoming games. When subscribing to this notification, they can choose when they would like to receive the reminder - days, hours, or minutes before the game.
Game Result Posted: This notification sends when an Athletic Group Manager or coach posts scores for a game. Recipients get information on the winning team and other game results.
Game Schedule Published: This notification sends when an Athletic Group Manager or coach publishes a team's schedule to the website.
Practice Added: This notification sends when an Athletic Group Manager or coach adds a new practice to a team.
Practice Changed: This notification sends when an Athletic Group Manager or coach edits/cancels/reschedules a practice.
Practice Reminder: Constituents can receive a reminder about upcoming practices. When subscribing to this notification, they can choose when they would like to receive the reminder - days, hours, or minutes before the game.
Practice Schedule Published: This notification sends when an Athletic Group Manager or coach publishes a team's practice schedule to the website.
Note: When you select Yes to send a notification for a Team Page Schedule, the setting will default back to No after the page is saved. This is intentional as it is intended to be a one time notification.

From Extracurricular, select Communication > Notifications.
Select the context menu
next to the notification > Edit.
Enter the Reply email address. From name, and Subject.
Customize the From name, Subject, and Email body. Insert Merge fields as needed.
If you want to send notifications via SMS text message, enable Notify via SMS and customize the Message.
Select Save & close when you are finished.

From Extracurricular, select Communication > Notifications.
Select the context menu
next to the notification > Edit.
Clear the Active checkbox.
Select Save & close.