Academic Profile Progress Tab
Note: This help topic covers the new 360 User Profile, which is being released to schools in waves starting in late March 2023. It displays in Academics when you select a student or alumnus via a list or by searching for their name in the People finder. The new profile contains the same features and capabilities as the older Academic Profile, but arranged under new tab headings in a more accessible format.
The Progress tab shows a student's classes, activities, athletics, advisory, dormitory, and community groups for the academic year you have selected. You can also record attendance from this tab.

Tiles on the Progress tab display assignment and attendance details for Classes, Activities, Advisory groups, Community Groups, Dorm, and Athletics. Select the arrow at the top of any tile to expand or collapse it. Select the grid icon on any tile to drag it into a new position.
Most tiles on this page display information for the entire academic year selected near the top right of the student's profile. On the Classes tile, you will need to select which terms you would like to display from within that academic year. To see a class's bulletin board, gradebook, seating chart, and other details, select the name of a class in this tile.

The Attendance summary tile displays the student's Absences, Tardies, and Not counted attendance records for the chosen academic year. (To adjust the year, use the menu near the top right of the student's profile, below the header.)
Note: For schools collecting Daily attendance, this tile will display attendance for all days, regardless of whether an Attendance of Record is recorded. For more information on the distinctions between Daily and Per Period attendance, see the help topic Attendance Record Method.
To see more details, select Work with attendance entries. This opens an Attendance details page for the student, which includes the following tabs:
Overview: This tab includes a Summary and a Class totals tile. Select a term within the Class totals tile to see details for that term. Select the name of a class to open that class's Bulletin board.
By day: Displays a list of attendance taken for the student organized by day. By default this list is filtered to display the current academic year and to only display Tardies and Absences. Select Filter or Columns to modify the list.
By class: Displays a list of attendance taken for the student organized by class. The same default filters apply as on the By day tab.
To return to the student's profile, select View record for [student's name].

To record attendance for the student:
On the tile labeled Attendance summary for the academic year, select Record attendance.
Select whether you are entering attendance for a Single date or Date range. Use the calendar picker to select dates, or enter them in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
If you choose Single date, select whether you are entering attendance for All day or Specific classes. Choose from the classes if necessary.
If you choose Date range, select whether you are entering attendance for All day or Specific times. Enter a time range if necessary.
Select a Reason.
Optional: Enter Comments. These will display with the attendance record.
Select Save and close.
To see the student's attendance details by day or by class, select Work with attendance entries.

Under the names of classes, activities, and other group types on this page, you will see the names of school employees who have been assigned to that particular group (for example,
To send an email or compose a message to a

School employees can access and edit different parts of a student profile depending on their assigned Roles and the school's settings. Roles can be modified and assigned to users in Core. For more information, see the help topic Roles list and tasks . For more information on access, security, permissions, roles, and task settings, visit the Security help landing page.
Users with the following Roles can view the Progress tab:
Attendance Manager
Award Manager
Comments Manager
Conduct Manager
Grading Manager
Learning Profile Manager
Online Signup Manager
Schedule Manager
Diploma Manager
Billing Clerk