Class Attendance Lists
From Academics, select Attendance, then Class attendance from Related links. To navigate to a different date, either use the left and right arrows beside the date or select Go to in order to open a calendar date picker.
Class attendance lists capture attendance entries for each period of the day, displaying the student, their attendance type (excused versus unexcused, or absence versus tardy), and the class the attendance event was logged in.
Class attendance lists are more granular in nature than Day attendance lists, and have filtering options available to identify student attendance trends and patterns.
Class attendance lists will only populate with results if the Attendance Record Method is set to Per Period.

Select the context menu
beside an attendance record.
Select Edit.
Select an attendance Reason from the list.
Optional: Add a Comment.
Select Save.

Tip: Make a backup of your attendance entries using Absence Analysis - By Student and Section before you begin deleting records to prevent unintended data loss due to accidental deletion.
Select the context menu
beside an attendance record.
Select Delete.
Select Confirm on the following prompt.