Edit student enrollment

Edit student enrollment displays all of the requests a student has made, what class/section fulfills each specific request, and all other possibilities that could fulfill the request. Schedule managers can enroll a student in a class, add a request, view section information, find sections to fill empty times in the student’s schedule, and drop and transfer students from here as well.

You can either edit a student's enrollment via their Academic profile (by searching for the student in the People Finder) or via the Student enrollment page, as detailed below.

Note: This help topic covers student enrollment in the context of Academics, where it refers to class scheduling. If you are looking for help with enrolling new students at your school via the admissions process, see the Enrollment Management System help page.

  1. Navigate to Academics.

  2. Choose Scheduling, then Requests and schedules.

  3. Select Student enrollment.

  4. Select the Edit icon next to a student's name.

  5. Using the options on the left side of the page, select whether you are viewing Academics, AdvisoryAthletics, or Activities enrollment.

  6. Review any existing course requests for the student. A variety of symbols indicate the student's current enrollment, scheduling conflicts, and other data. Select View legend to review the symbol definitions.

    • To remove a course request, select the context menu (...) beside it. Select Error to remove a request that was added in error, select Drop to drop a student request, or select Transfer to keep the request and move the student to a different section. Select Delete to remove the request and any record of the request.

    • To add a request, select + Add request, then search for the course name and select it.

    • To change the order in which requests display on this page, select Sort and choose Courses (Ascending), Courses (Descending), Course preference (first - last), or Block (schedule order). You can also change the display of the Courses column by selecting Settings.

  7. To add classes to the student's schedule, select + Find a section.

    • The top row displays the student's Current schedule. As you scroll down the page, this row will freeze in place to remain in view. If a student is enrolled in multiple courses in the same block, they will display side by side. Select the name of a course name in this row to see more details about it. Please note that the Current Schedule row will not update when you add enrollments on the rest of the grid.

    • Find the course and section in which you would like to enroll the student. If necessary, narrow down the displayed courses using the menu options under Starting in, With a department, With a grade level, Taught by, and In block. Select the section name or number to see details including the target size and current size of the class.

    • Select the checkbox next to the appropriate classes.

    • Select Enroll.

  8. You have three options to save your enrollments:

    • Select Save to save your changes and remain on the page.

    • Select Save and next to advance to the next student in your filtered view.

    • Select Save and close to return to the filtered list of students.