Import Student Medical Data in Bulk
If your school already stores medical information electronically, the nurse may want to upload it in bulk to reduce data entry. You can also use this to upload the results from a school-wide screening or health fair.
Navigate to the Nurse's Office.
Under Administrative tasks, select Upload student medical data.

Create import files by downloading the templates provided. Not all columns listed in the template for each import are required.
For each template, remove the sample data and enter the medical data for your students.
Tip: We recommend you use a spreadsheet software program, such as Microsoft Excel.
Save the updated file as a comma separated value (.csv) file.
Upload the corresponding file that contains student data. The files are immediately encrypted during the upload.
You do not need to use all of the import templates at one time. You can import new data again later.
Decide how to handle types of medical information that you haven't already added as Medical Settings.
You can select to add the new values to the ones initially created.
Otherwise, you'll exclude the new information from the import and student records may be incomplete.
Select Import now. Based on the student’s user ID, the data from the import files is matched to student records.
Review some of the students and the updated data.
To review additional students, select Show the next 9.
If the information is incorrect, select Go back. Correct the import files, upload the corrected files, and re-import them.
If the information is correct, select Update students. The student records are updated and a confirmation screen appears.
Tip: If some information couldn't be updated, one or more exception files are created. For each file, either update the file and re-import it, or enter the data manually from each student's record.

Note: The student_id field corresponds to the student's User ID.
student_id, medication, medication_location, dosage_frequency, start_date
student_id, allergy, start_date
student_id, condition, start_date
Medical Summary
student_id, permission_to_treat_date (only if permission_to_treat is "yes").
student_id, requirement, completed, completed_date