Official Notes Notifications
Comment Managers set the notifications that are sent when an official note is recorded or approved. Official note notifications are set by official note type.

From the persona menu, select Academics.
Select Communication and then choose Official notes.
Select Official notes notifications.
Select Edit next to the notification you wish to modify.
Write the e-mail message that will be sent to the user. You can use the placeholders listed on the page to auto-fill the message. For example, a notification could be formatted like this:
Student Name: [student first name] [student last name]
Author Name: [author first name] [author last name]
Comment Date: [comment date]
Comment Type: [comment type]
Comment: [author comment]
Save & Exit.
To learn more about Official Note Types, see Official Note Types.
To learn more about Viewing and Composing Official Notes, see View and Compose Official Notes.
To learn more about Monitoring Teams, see Monitoring Teams.