Review Courses
Schedule managers can create customizable lists to review course settings and edit courses as needed. These lists can also be saved for future use.
To get started:
Navigate to Academics.
Choose Scheduling and Courses list.
Note: The type of list selected will determine the available columns and filter options.
Edit Columns and Filters as needed.
To save a list for future use, select Save.
Select the edit icon to edit the infraction.
Select any of the courses listed to open a flyout panel with specific information such as general information, Assessments, Grading, Schedule, GPAs, and more. To update the information listed, select Edit course and then Save & close to confirm the changes or Cancel to back out.
Note: Select the browser's back button to return to the list.
Select Export list to export results.

To add or remove list columns:
Select Choose columns.
Select the columns to add, and deselect columns to remove them.
Select Apply Changes and the list results will update.
Click and drag column headers in the results to reorder them.

To filter conduct list results:
Select Filters, or the blue Filters icon to the right.
Note: Select Clear to remove all filters.
Select the values that correspond to the information you want to view.
Enter the filter criteria.
Select Apply filters and the list results will update.
Note: Select Hide to close the Filters menu.

To open a list that was saved previously:
Select Open.
Search for and select the appropriate list.
Select Open.
The list will appear and run.

Schools that previously used Blackbaud's Education Edge 7 can use the Courses list in Academics to approximate the Course Requests Tally Report.
From Academics, select Scheduling and choose the Courses list. Then select to include Number of requests as a column in the report. You can filter and sort the list to mimic the report from Education Edge.