Section Schedule
Using the Section Schedule task, Schedule Managers can create schedule exceptions for individual sections in a block schedule. Managers can also use this task to associate meeting times with individual sections in a random schedule.

From the persona menu, select Academics.
Select Scheduling, then Requests and schedules.
Open the Class schedule tab.
Search for a course section by selecting the appropriate school year, Group Type, School Level, and Term from the drop-down menus and selecting View. You can also select Additional Search Options to search by Course Title or Course Code.
Choose one of the following beside a section depending on what you would like to modify:
Select View to see the course section's meeting times on a calendar, then select View beside the meeting time you would like to delete or modify.
Select Cycle to see all of the block meeting times for the course section.
Select Cancel next to any meeting times you would like to cancel for the course section. Managers can also add meeting times or adjust the times that the section meets (for example, if the section meets for a double period on one day).
Select Save & Exit.