Sort Order for Report Cards & Transcripts
Note: This help topic covers the sort order of items that display on report cards and transcripts generated by the

Courses are sorted by:
Transcript category sort order (ascending)
Course title (ascending)
Teacher last name (ascending)
Grades are sorted by:
Offering Type (ascending)
Note: This refers to Academics, Athletics, etc...
Begin term date
Comments are sorted by:
If Group Grades and Comments is not checked on the report card, comments will appear below grades.
Report card column sort order (ascending)
Report card column label (ascending)
Transcript category sort order (ascending)
Course title (ascending)
Teacher last name (ascending)

Courses are sorted by:
Assessment type sort order (ascending)
Assessment type description (ascending)
Short description (ascending)
Grades are sorted by:
Grade plan group sort order (ascending)
Note: If one does not exist, grades will sort by offering id (ascending)
Transcript category sort order (ascending)
Offering id (ascending)
Teacher name (ascending)
Grade Category (ascending)
If course length is less than or equal to 1, grades will then sort by course title (ascending)
Assessment type sort order (ascending)
Assessment type description (ascending)
Note: If Display grades in grid is being used with one assessment grading period, it will list grade types (such as Effort) as column headers instead of terms.

Courses are sorted by:
Course title (ascending)
Assessment grades are sorted by:
Grade plan group sort order (ascending)
Note: If one does not exist, grades will sort by offering id (ascending)
Transcript category sort order (ascending)
Offering id (ascending)
Teacher name (ascending)
Grade Category (ascending)
If course length is less than or equal to 1, grades will then sort by course title (ascending)
Assessment type sort order (ascending)
Assessment type description (ascending)
Standard grades are sorted by:
Offering Type (ascending)
Note: This refers to Academics, Athletics, etc...
Begin term date

Courses are sorted by:
Transcript category sort order (ascending)
Course title (ascending)
Note: For more information about transcript categories, see Edit Transcript Categories .
Grades are sorted by:
Enroll date or begin date of school year (ascending)
School year
School name of where the grades came from (ascending)
For more information, see the help topic Transcript Builder.