Extra Fields for Event Registrations
Registration managers can create custom fields to collect information that is not already included under registrant fields. Custom fields appear below registrant fields on the registration forms.

Select School website, Events, and then Registration forms & attendees.
Select Edit next to the registration you wish to edit.
Select Extra Fields located under Edit Registration.
Select Add Field.
Select whether the item is Required and enter a unique Sort Order.
Note: The sort order controls the order in which it appears on the form.
Choose one of the following options:
Text Box: Users will type a response into a text box.
Drop Down: Users will select one item from a list.
Check Box: Users will select or not select a single item.
Radio Button: Users will select one button from multiple mutually exclusive buttons.
Enter a label.
If using a check box or text box, select Save & Exit.
Note: Steps 1-5 will need to be repeated for each checkbox or text box that needs to be added. These options do not have an Add new option available unlike the radio button or drop down, which do.
Select Save if radio buttons or drop down list are used, followed by Add new option if you want to add more.
When finished, select Save & Exit.