Collect General Info with Event Registration
The General Info task enables the registration manager to set basic information about the registration form.

Select School website, Events, and then Registration forms and attendees.
Select Edit next to the appropriate form to land on the General Info screen.
Use the following options to update the general info.

Use this link to add a registration form to your site.

Title: This is the same title that you entered when creating the Event Registration. You can edit the title of the registration here.
Sign-up Only: This indicates a sign-up only registration. When enabled, the system will only collect the number and names of attendees and bypass the registration items and payment information.
Get Number of Attendees: This creates a field where registrants can enter how many people are attending the event.
Get Names of Attendees: Enable this option to collect the names of the attendees.
Max. # of Attendees: Use this option to limit the number of attendees for the event.
Exceed Max. Message: If Max # of Attendees is enabled, you can enter a message here that displays once the maximum number of people have signed up for the event.
Allow Authenticated Users to Register Multiple Times: Users who are logged in to your site will be able to submit the form multiple times.
Include Donation Field: Adds a section on the form that will enable users to make a donation. This should not be used for sign-up only registration forms.
Donation Label: If you select Include Donation Field, you will need to include a donation label telling users what the field is for (e.g. Donate to our Event).
Donation Description: Use this field to include a description about the donation, such as what the donation will go toward (e.g. This year we're collecting donations for the Class of 2004 Alumni Scholarship Fund.)
SKU #: If a payment gateway is used, enter a SKU number for an invoice number to send it to the payment gateway once a transaction is processed. The invoice number will contain the transaction ID for the registrant, followed by the SKU number.
Note: Some payment gateways have a character limit for the invoice number field; depending on its length, the invoice number could be truncated.
Description: This is the text that users see on the very first screen of the registration form before they begin to register. This is where you would enter an introduction, overview, or special instructions.
Order Placed Text: Use this field to enter confirmation text. Once the user has submitted their registration, this is the text they will see on the confirmation screen.

Note: You will not need to set any of these payment options for sign-up only registrations.
Account To Use: If you are using a payment gateway to process credit card transactions, select the account to use with the form. Payment gateway accounts must first be added in the Payment Processing task before they will appear in the dropdown list.
Select the payment options you would like to offer: Select the payment options that users can use to pay for the event.
Other Options: If you accept credit cards to pay for the event, you can require the CVV security number.
Mail Check To: If you accept checks to pay for the event, make sure to include where checks should be mailed. You can also include who checks should be made out to in this field.
Tip: Looking to set prices? Visit Registration Items.

Attendee/registrant information: Use these to determine if attendees or registrants will display on the first page of the registration.
Dates: You can edit the dates and times that you entered in the initial setup of the Event Registration. Use Publish Date and Expire Date to set a window of time when people can register for the event.