Inquiry Form Interests
Interests can be added to an inquiry form so that users can specify the programs/activities in which they are interested or for which they would like to receive more information.
To use this option, the Inquiry Manager must first enter the interests (Soccer, Journalism, Painting, etc.). After the interests are created, the Inquiry Manager selects the interests that should appear on each form. Interests are organized in categories.

Select School website, Content , Inquiry , and then Interests.
Select Add.
Enter the:
Sort order: Enter the order in which the categories should be listed. If no sort order is specified, the categories will be listed alphabetically.
Category description: Enter the name of the category (for example, Athletic Interests, Art Interests, etc.).
Number of interests: Enter the number of interests that you would like to associate with this category.
Select Next.
Enter the:
Sort order: Enter the order in which the interests should be listed. If no sort order is specified, the interests will be listed alphabetically.
Description: Enter the name of the interest (for example, Soccer, Journalism, Painting, etc.).
Inactive: Check this option if the interest should not be available to use on inquiry forms.
Select Delete to remove an interest or select Add another interest to enter additional interests.
Select Save & exit.
Select Edit next to the category to update any of the category or interest fields, or to add additional interests to a category.

Add interests:
From the persona menu, select Enrollment Management.
Select Interests under Settings.
Select + Category to add a new category (e.g. Athletics) and enter the name.
Select Save & close.
Select + Interest to add a new interest (e.g. Soccer) and enter the name.
Select Save & close.
Select Admissions interest to use the interest on the inquiry form, clear the Active selection to inactivate the interest.
Select the interest name if you need to rename it, or if it has not been used, click the red x to delete it.