Inquiry Notifications
The system can send two e-mail notifications each time an inquiry form is submitted. One is a confirmation e-mail that is sent to the person inquiring, and the other is an administration e-mail that alerts the school that the form was submitted. Inquiry managers can customize the inquiry notifications.
Note: If Enrollment Management is already installed, find instructions for customizing inquiry notifications here.

Select School website, Content , Inquiry , and then Notifications.
Next, Edit the notification you would like to modify.
Administration: This email is sent to user(s) at the school alerting them that a form was submitted.
Confirmation: This confirmation email is sent to the email address that is entered in the student information section on the inquiry form. If that email address field is not populated, the email will not send.
Customize the notification with the below fields.
Notification Properties
Name - Use this option to change the name of the notification.
Active - Disable the Active option if you do not want the notification send.
E-mail Notification
Reply email - Enter one e-mail address users can respond to from the notification.
From name - Enter a name that users will receive the e-mail from..
Placeholders - Use the placeholders to craft the body of the notification.
Subject - Use this field to enter the subject of the notification.
Body - Use the placeholders to craft the e-mail.
E-mail Notification
Add recipient(s) - These fields will only appear for the Administration notifications. Use the available fields to search for the user(s) who should be notified when further action is needed. Highlight the user's name and select Add to recipient list.
Select Save & exit.