Manage Giving Forms
Giving Managers can create customizable giving forms to collect online donations.

Select School website, Content, Giving, and then Giving forms.
Go to Add Giving Form or Edit an existing form.
Use the following options to create or update the giving form.

Description: Enter the name of the form (e.g. Annual Fund Giving Form). You can also edit this to change the form's displayed name.
Preview URL: Enter the URL for the page on which the giving form appears. When the Preview URL field is populated, a preview link displays next to the giving form when editing it. The preview link will open the page on which the giving form appears.
SKU #: If a payment gateway is used, enter a SKU number of your choosing. When a transaction is processed, an invoice number will be sent to the payment gateway. The invoice number will contain the transaction ID for the gift, followed by the SKU number. Some payment gateways have a character limit for the invoice number field; depending on its length, the invoice number could be truncated.
Mail To Information: If you accept checks as a form of payment, enter the address to which donors should send their checks. This is also a good place to mention who to make checks out to.
Gift Matching Instructions: If you use gift matching, enter any special instructions.
Confirmation Text: Enter the text that will display when the donor submits the giving form.
Intro Text: Enter the text that will display at the top of the giving form.
Recurring Gift Instructions: If you accept recurring gifts, enter any special instructions.
Retire this Giving Form: Available only upon editing a giving form. Check this option to retire the giving form if it should no longer be used. You must also remove the giving form from the page. If the form remains on a page, users can still fill it out and submit it, even if it is retired.

Each giving form can contain the sections listed below. While editing a giving form, select the Field Display Properties tab to see these options.
Within each section, select the fields to include on the form by selecting Include. To make a field required, also select Required.
The fields can be renamed (for example, the Other Name field can be changed to Nickname). The section headers can also be renamed.
Within each section, the fields can be rearranged using the sort orders.

Gift Amount
Gift Type (select Gift, Pledge, Pledge Payment, Stock, and/or Other)
Recognition Name
List Name
In Will
In Memory Of
In Honor Of
Gift Matched

Frequency (available only if a payment gateway that supports recurring gifts has been entered)

Payment Options (select Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Check, and/or EFT)
CVV Required

Send Information
Send Reminder

While editing a giving form, select the tab labeled Funds. Enter the name of each fund that should appear on the giving form (e.g. Annual Fund, Memorial Fund, etc.). At least one fund is required. The field supports up to 255 characters. A fund cannot be deleted after a donation has been made to it. In order to remove a fund, you must delete all previously submitted gifts that are tied to it.