Use the photos content type to enable images to appear as a list of thumbnail images, as a stand alone photo, multiple photos in a Gallery (with next/previous buttons or in a flash player), or multiple photos stacked vertically.
Photo categories are used to store and organize image files. First create categories, then add albums with photo content to the category.
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Select + Add new category.
Enter a short Description to name the category.
Choose whether to Include the album description for photo items.
This enables you to add a long description to photo albums in this category, when you add or edit a photo album.
Determine whether the album should be available to the Public (such as on your school's website) or Secure (requires user to login to view).
Next, determine how to show images within the album. You can choose
to Allow title on images.
This enables content managers to edit the title of images. If disabled, the file name of photo automatically becomes its title.
to Allow captions on images.
This enables content editors to enter captions for photos. Captions are limited to 1600 characters and can't be formatted with the HTML editor. However, they can include HTML tags in the caption box.
to Allow descriptions on images.
This enables content editors to enter descriptions for photos. Descriptions do not have a character limit. They can format them with the HTML editor.
Tip: Consider using title, captions, and descriptions to improve accessibility for users with vision impairments.
the maximum size of images when shown in standard view.
whether to enable users to zoom an image and the maximum size of the enlarged image.
whether to show a thumbnail image and the maximum size of the smaller image.
Select Save & close or Save & add photos.
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Use the Search option to find a category based on the description (category name).
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Use the Search option to find a category based on the description (category name).
Locate the category in the results. On its row, select Edit (gear icon).
Enter your changes.
Enter a short Description to name the category.
Choose whether to Include the album description for photo items.
Determine whether the album should be available to the Public (such as on your school's website) or Secure (requires user to login to view).
Next, determine how to show images within the album. You can choose
to Allow title on images.
to Allow captions on images.
to Allow descriptions on images.
Tip: Consider using title, captions, and descriptions to improve accessibility for users with vision impairments.
the maximum size of images when shown in standard view.
whether to enable users to zoom an image and the maximum size of the enlarged image.
whether to show a thumbnail image and the maximum size of this smaller "preview" image.
Note: When you upload photos, they're stored at their original size, but can be re-sized from an album, which affects the size of the image when added to a web page. Upload the largest size photo. For example, if you enable zoom, then upload a photos that size instead of a photo that's your standard size. The system will automatically create the standard-sized and thumb-sized photos based on your upload.
Select Save & close or Save & add photos
You can permanently remove a category. When you delete a category, all its photos (including content shared with other categories) is removed. This can't be undone.
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Use the Search option to find a category based on the description (category name).
Locate the category in the results. On its row, select Delete (trash can icon).
Select Delete to confirm.
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Use the Search option to find a category based on the description (category name).
Locate the category in the results. On its row, select Add (+ icon).
Alternatively, select the category name, and then select + Add.
Enter a Title for the photo album.
Enter a Description.
Choose whether to Allow users to download images from the album.
Select whether to show the album in Featured.
Browse to and select images from your computer to add to the album.
For each photo, a thumbnail preview appears. Select it to view the image at its actual size and orientation.
From this view, select Edit (pencil icon in lower right corner).
Edit the image as desired.
Resize - Use the slider (bottom left) to change the default size of the image.
You can only decrease the original size of the image. You' can't make the original image larger. This prevents blurriness and pixelation.
Crop - Use the grid overlay to trim the overall size of the image to a specific selection or size. The default image is replaced with the new cropped version when saved.
Rotate - Use this to shift the image 90 degrees clockwise.
Select Save.
Select Close or Next photo.
For each image, enter the:
Select Delete to remove an image.
Select one image to use as the Album cover.
If you're ready to share the album with users, select Publish.
Enter a Publish date.
Enter an optional Expire date.
Select Add more. Choose any additional categories which should also include album and photos. Then select Apply.
Determine which categories the album should be published to. For each, enter a Publish date and an optional Expire date.
By default, your current category is the Primary category for the album, but you can change it.
Select Save.
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Use the Search option to find a category based on the description (category name).
Locate the category in the results. Select the category name
Find the album. On its row, select Edit (pencil icon). Enter your changes.
Enter a Title for the photo album.
Enter a Description.
Choose whether to Allow users to download images from the album.
Select whether to show the album in Featured.
Browse to and select images from your computer to add to the album.
For each photo, a thumbnail preview appears. Select it to view the image at its actual size and orientation.
From this view, select Edit (pencil icon in lower right corner).
Edit the image as desired.
Resize - Use the slider (bottom left) to change the default size of the image.
You can only decrease the original size of the image. You' can't make the original image larger. This prevents blurriness and pixelation.
Crop - Use the grid overlay to trim the overall size of the image to a specific selection or size. The default image is replaced with the new cropped version when saved.
Rotate - Use this to shift the image 90 degrees clockwise.
Select Save.
Select Close or Next photo.
For each image, enter the:
Select Delete to remove an image.
Select one image to use as the Album cover.
If you're ready to share the album with users, select Publish.
Enter a Publish date.
Enter an optional Expire date.
Select Add more. Choose any additional categories which should also include album and photos. Then select Apply.
Determine which categories the album should be published to. For each, enter a Publish date and an optional Expire date.
By default, your current category is the Primary category for the album, but you can change it.
Select Save.
You can permanently remove an album. When you delete an album, all its photos is removed. This can't be undone.
If you remove an album from its Primary category, then the album and its content will also be removed from all other categories.
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Use the Search option to find a category based on the description (category name).
Locate the category in the results. Select the category name
Find the album. On its row, select Delete (trash can icon).
If the album is included in multiple categories, and you are not currently in the primary category, determine whether to Remove it from only the current category or to Remove it all categories.
If you're in the primary category, then you can only remove it from all categories.
Select Delete to confirm.
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Use the Search option to find a category based on the description (category name).
Locate the category in the results. Select the category name, and then select Edit (pencil icon).
Select whether to show the album in Featured.
Browse to and select images from your computer to add to the album.
For each photo, a thumbnail preview appears. Select it to view the image at its actual size and orientation.
From this view, select Edit (pencil icon in lower right corner).
Edit the image as desired.
Resize - Use the slider (bottom left) to change the default size of the image.
You can only decrease the original size of the image. You' can't make the original image larger. This prevents blurriness and pixelation.
Crop - Use the grid overlay to trim the overall size of the image to a specific selection or size. The default image is replaced with the new cropped version when saved.
Rotate - Use this to shift the image 90 degrees clockwise.
Select Save.
Select Close or Next photo.
For each image, enter the:
Select Delete to remove an image.
Select one image to use as the Album cover.
If you're ready to share the album with users, select Publish.
Enter a Publish date.
Enter an optional Expire date.
Select Add more. Choose any additional categories which should also include album and photos. Then select Apply.
Determine which categories the album should be published to. For each, enter a Publish date and an optional Expire date.
By default, your current category is the Primary category for the album, but you can change it.
Select Save.
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Use the Search option to find a category based on the description (category name).
Locate the category in the results. Select the category name
Find the album. On its row, select Edit (pencil icon).
Scroll down. Locate the photo.
A thumbnail preview appears. Select it to view the image at its actual size and orientation.
From this view, select Edit (pencil icon in lower right corner).
Edit the image as desired.
Resize - Use the slider (bottom left) to change the default size of the image.
You can only decrease the original size of the image. You' can't make the original image larger. This prevents blurriness and pixelation.
Crop - Use the grid overlay to trim the overall size of the image to a specific selection or size. The default image is replaced with the new cropped version when saved.
Rotate - Use this to shift the image 90 degrees clockwise.
Select Save.
Select Close or Next photo.
For each image, enter the:
Select Save.
You can permanently remove an image. When you delete a photo from an album, it is also removed from all other categories that include the album. This can't be undone.
Select Core or School website.
Select, Content.
Select Media.
Select Photos.
Use the Search option to find a category based on the description (category name).
Locate the category in the results. Select the category name
Find the album. On its row, select Edit (pencil icon).
Scroll down. Locate the photo.
Select Delete to remove an image.
Select Save.
School Website System has its own default dimensions for the thumb, standard and zoom versions of a photo:
Thumbnail: 80 x 80 pixels Max 240 x 240 pixels
Standard: 320 x 320 pixels Max 960 x 960 pixels
Zoom: 800 x 800 pixels Max 2400 x 2400 pixels
The maximum size allowed for all images is 2400 x 2400 pixels.
These maximum dimensions are applied when users download photos which were uploaded to this album, unless you override them by entering a custom max width and max height in the photo category. Your photo dimensions will vary, depending on where the photos are going to appear on your site (in a sidebar, on the homepage, in the embedded flash player, etc). A support representative will provide you with your Site Specs document which will contain the exact photo dimensions for your site.
For example, imagine you need to add a photo to the sidebar of a page, which is only 190px wide. If space allows, the image appears the size it was uploaded (or the size it was edited to). Otherwise, it's re-sized to fit the smaller space requirements (and may be deleted entirely.) Your photo will not appear wider than 190px, and fits in the sidebar.
These maximum dimensions will automatically be applied to the photos you upload,
Even if you enter a custom max width and height, it is still recommended that you crop your images to the correct dimension and save them for the web to ensure that you get the best quality and file size.
The system will maintain the aspect ratio of your photos.
Looking for something else? Check out Error Messages Using Bulk Upload Tool or An overview of user profile photos (avatars) and how to upload profile photos in bulk.
You can add photos to a variety of content types (including text, news, links and lists). The options outlined on this page are applicable to all photos, regardless of which content type you are using. When previewing uploaded photos, use Next photo to Previous photo to scroll through each one.