Files and Forms
Tip: For a visual look at Files and Forms, check out our overview video.
Files and forms compiles all files or forms that are uploaded in conjunction with the Admissions process and presents them in one, easy to use list. This includes all Inquiries, Applications, Recommendation forms, Candidate Attachments, and Miscellaneous files. Each section can be expanded or collapsed as well. Platform managers can find this under Admissions, Admissions setup, and then Files and Forms.
First, select a category such as Inquiry forms, Application forms, and more. Selecting an individual file brings up its information on the screen which includes its current status like Inactive, Active, and Archived, associated school years, as well as the number of submissions.
The Share to Core profile option allows schools to essentially send the selected file or form that is uploaded through the Admissions process to the Core user profile files and forms section accessible by platform managers.
Note: Share to Core profile is set to off by default and is only accessible by admissions managers. This feature also has a role task that is enabled by default, but it can be disabled if needed.