Assessment Question Banks

Teachers can organize and save their questions into Question banks for use on future assessments. For example, questions from multiple quizzes may be banked, then added to a cumulative exam at the end of a term.

When building assessments, teachers can browse their question banks with the option to filter questions by type. Questions in banks are organized into sub-banks. Each teacher determines how they want to organize their questions and manages their own banks and sub-banks. Banks are not course or class-specific, meaning all of a teacher's banked questions are available to them as they build assessments

Note: At this time, question banks cannot be shared between teachers. However, teachers can allow other faculty to copy their assignments via import assignments. Once another teacher has imported an assessment, they can add the questions to their own question banks.

To access questions banks in Faculty, select My Day, then Question banks. Select a bank name to open the details page. The related sub-banks are listed on the left along with the number of questions contained in each sub-bank. Banked questions without a sub-bank specified are stored in a system-generated <Ungrouped> sub-bank. Select a sub-bank to display the included questions and use the arrows on the right to expand question details.

Manage question banks

Manage sub-banks

Manage questions

In addition to adding questions to banks during the assessment building process, teachers can go back through assessments they've already given and add questions to banks.

Questions can be added to multiple banks and sub-banks as well as added to the same banks and sub-banks multiple times. To clean up duplicate instances of a question in a bank or sub-bank, delete the duplicates.

Note: There is no link between a question in a bank and that question on an assessment. Editing or deleting a question in a bank does not update or delete that question on assessments where it is in use.