Manage Teams - Schedule
Athletic Group Managers can manage a team's games, practices, and other events in Extracurricular, Athletics, Athletics Setup. From Manage Teams, select a team name to open the team Overview, then select Schedule to access the team's calendar and event.
Tip: Coaches can also manage their team schedules via the Schedule tab on their team page. Additionally, Data Managers can import games and practices using the data import process. For more information, see Athletic Groups Import .
Once games and practices are created, the team's schedule can be published.
Note: Date and start Time are required. All other fields are optional.
In Extracurricular, select Athleticsthen Athletics Setup.
Select the team name, then Schedule.
Select + New, then select Game OR select the day of the game on the calendar > Add game.
Enter the following information:
Title: Enter a title for the event, such as a tournament name.
Date: Date of the game.
Time: Enter the required start time and optional end time.
Send notification: Enable to send a notification to users subscribed to the Game Added notification for the team.
Home/Away: Select Home, Away, Neutral, or TBD.
Location: Available locations include Athletic Venues and Rooms in Buildings with the Athletics Group type enabled.
Opponent: Select one ore more from the available Opponents
Add transportation: Select the Transportation vehicle and if the vehicle will be used the Entire day or for a Specific time period.
Dismissal time: Enter the time students on the team should be dismissed from classes.
Departure time: Enter the time the team will leave school.
Departure notes
Pick up time: Enter the time students will be ready to be picked up.
Pick up notes
Classification: Select League or Non-league.
Categories: Select Scrimmage, Tournament, Invitational, or Playoff.
Additional Notes: Add any additional information for the game.
Select Save.
Tip: If you need to add multiple practices that occur at the same time on the same days of the week, see Practice Schedules for information on adding practices in bulk from in Athletic Event Management.
Note: Date and start Time are required. All other fields are optional.
In Extracurricular, select Athletics > Athletics Setup. Select the team > Schedule.
Select + New > Practice OR select the day of the practice on the calendar > Add practice.
Enter the following information:
Title: Enter a title for the event.
Date: Date of the game.
Time: Start time is required, end time is not.
Send notification: Enable to send a notification to users subscribed to the Practice Added notification for the team.
Location: Available locations include Athletic Venues and Rooms in Buildings with the Athletics Group type enabled.
Transportation: Select the Transportation vehicle. Then select if it is needed for the Entire day or Specific time period along with the Start and End date and times.. Select Done to save your selection.
Dismissal time: Enter the time students on the team should be dismissed from classes.
Departure time: Enter the time the team will leave school.
Pick up time: Enter the time students will be ready to be picked up.
Additional Notes: Add any additional information for the game.
Select Save.
When a game is rescheduled, it displays on the new date and time with a Rescheduled from [date and time] message. The original event continues to display on the original date and time with GAME RESCHEDULED in the heading.
In Extracurricular, select Athletics > Athletics Setup. Select the team > Schedule.
From the calendar view, select the game OR from the list view, select the context menu next to the game > Edit.
Under --Select schedule change--, select Reschedule.
Enable Send notificationn to trigger a notification for users subscribed to the Game Changed notification for the team.
Select Save.
Tip: To remove the Rescheduled from [date and time] message on a game, edit the event and select Clear reschedule under Select schedule change. Selecting Clear reschedule also deletes the original event.
Canceling a game or practice will leave the event on the calendar with GAME CANCELED or PRACTICE CANCELED in the heading. If you want to completely remove an event from the calendar, see Delete a game or practice. To reschedule a game for a different date and/or time, see Reschedule a game.
In Extracurricular, select Athletics > Athletics Setup. Select the team > Schedule.
From the calendar view, select the game or practice OR from the list view, select the context menu next to the game or practice > Edit.
Under -- Select schedule change --, select Cancel.
Enable Send notification to trigger a notification for users subscribed to the Game Changed or Practice Changed notification for the team.
Select Save.
Tip: If a game or practice is no longer canceled, you can remove the GAME CANCELED or PRACTICE CANCELED message from the event by editing it and changing Cancel to Undo Cancel.
In Extracurricular, select Athletics > Athletics Setup. Select the team > Schedule.
From the calendar view, select the game OR from the list view, select the context menu next to the game.
Select Delete.
Select Delete again to confirm the deletion.
A team's game and practice schedules must be published in order for them to display for constituents. You can publish schedules once they are complete or while events are still being added. Additionally, game and practice schedules can be published independently of each other.
In Extracurricular, select Athletics > Athletics Setup. Select the team > Schedule.
Select Publish schedules.
Under Practices, select Publish practices to make the practice schedule available to constituents. If you want to send a notification that the team's practice schedule is published, select Send notification.
Under Games, select Publish games to make the game schedule available to constituents. If you want to send a notification that the team's game schedule is published, select Send notification.
Note: If sending notifications, the Practice Schedule Published and Game Schedule Published notifications are only sent to a recipient one time per team. Unpublishing and republishing schedules will not trigger additional notifications.
Select Save.