Student Assignment Details

From the Assignment Center or Assignments tab on their class pages, students can select an assignment title to view the assignment details, create and manage tasks associated with their assignments, upload assignment file submissions, and more.

Note: Tiles that display in Assignment Details for are conditional. If a teacher does not add information for a tile or utilize an available feature, the tile for that information or feature does not display.

Tip: Teachers can see how their assignments display for students in the Assignment Center or from the class Assignments tab by selecting the context menu next to an assignment, then selecting See student preview. For more information, see Student Preview of Assignments for Teachers .

Parents, Advisors, Coaches, and Dorm Supervisors with Gradebook grade access can view a student's Assignment Details, but they cannot submit or edit assignments.

At the top of the page, students can view the following information:

  • Assignment title: If an assignment is marked as extra credit, a blue Extra Credit indicator displays next to the title.

  • Type

  • Assigned date and time

  • Due date and time: Includes the number of days until the assignment is due or the number of days it is overdue for past due assignments.

  • Max points: Does not display if an assignment is evaluated with skills only.

  • Status

    • When a teacher enables online file submissions for an assignment, Status automatically updates to In progress when the student uploads a file or adds information under Text. Once a student selects Submit assignment, the status updates to Complete and the Submitted date and time display in the header.

    • If online file submission is not enabled for an assignment, students can select the status and manually change it to In Progress, Completed, or back to To do. The status will also update to Completed if the teacher marks it as Collected.

    • For all assignments, Status updates to Graded once the teacher commits their evaluation for the student.

  • Marked as: Displays if the teacher marks the assignment as Late, Missing, Incomplete, Exempt, or Collected.

  • Submit assignment: Only displays for assignments with online submissions enabled. Students can select Submit assignment once they have added the Files or Text for their assignment.

  • Print: Print the assignment details. Tiles that only include actionable items are excluded when printing. For example, Files and Text are hidden because files and text cannot be added from the print view.