Blackbaud ID is your central identity to securely sign in to Blackbaud solutions and services. You use your Blackbaud ID to securely access your Blackbaud ID profile, Blackbaud solutions, and Support resources. For more information, see the Blackbaud ID website.
For information about how to invite users and admins to use Blackbaud IDs to access your organization's Blackbaud resources, see Users and Admins Tasks.
Your first organization admins are the person who signed the contract with Blackbaud and the project lead who is listed in the contract. They receive invitation emails from Blackbaud, and their Blackbaud IDs provide full admin rights to manage all organizational tasks. For more information, see Admins Tasks.
If the project lead or contract signer won’t act as an organization admin, they can make sure that the other organization admin is responsible for adding other admins and users, or they can invite other organization admins who will remove their admin rights.
An organization admin with full admin rights designates the first solution admin for your Blackbaud solution. That solution admin receives an invitation email from Blackbaud, and the Blackbaud ID provides admin rights to manage the solution, which includes adding users and other solution admins.
If your organization uses multiple Blackbaud solutions, organization admins identify the first solution admin for each Blackbaud solution. For more information, see Admins Tasks.
Organization admins, solution admins, and regular users with specific admin rights can perform organizational admin tasks and solution-specific admin tasks. For information, see Admins Tasks.
On the Users page, admins send email invitations by providing names and email addresses and specifying admin rights. For more information, see Users and Admins Tasks.
The content in invitation emails varies based on the recipients, but the process is the same.
New users and admins receive auto-generated email invitations and select the option to sign in with Blackbaud ID.
On the Blackbaud sign-in page, users and admins select an authentication method.
To sign in through an organization's single sign-on connection, they select the Continue with SSO field.
To authenticate through a social sign in, such as Apple or Google, they select the Continue with Apple or Continue with Google fields.
To authenticate through Blackbaud's secure service using email/password, they select the Continue with Email field.
In the Email address field, email/password users and admins either enter their email addresses or accept the email addresses that autofill, and then they select Continue.
Email addresses autofill for users and admins who open the Blackbaud sign-in page through the option in the invitations. They can change the email addresses from their Blackbaud ID profiles after they create a password.
Users and admins select Continue to receive email with confirmation codes to verify their email addresses.
Tip: Users and admins must confirm email addresses within the time limit. If not, they are prompted to resend the email the next time they try to sign in.
After verifying their email addresses, users and admins create passwords to sign in to Blackbaud solutions.
If an invitation expires after 90 days, an admin can add the user again on the Users page to send a new invitation. For more information, see Users and Admins Tasks.
If Blackbaud ID invitation emails expire after 90 days, then an admin can add the user again on the Users page to send a new invitation. For more information, see Users and Admins Tasks.
If confirmation emails expire, then users and admin are prompted to resend the confirmation emails the next time they try to sign in.
Admins don't need to resend invitations. If a user can't find the invitation, direct them to the confirmation page or the Blackbaud sign-in page to access Blackbaud solutions.
Tip: To make sure your organization's email server doesn't block email delivery, confirm that your email server, proxy server, and firewall allow email from @blackbaud.com, @blackbaudondemand.com, and @blackbaudemail.netcommunity1.com and that your email servers or network appliance allow the Internet Protocol (IP) range (205.139.1 -
If an invitation expires after 90 days, an admin can add the user again on the Users page to send a new invitation. For more information, see Users and Admins Tasks.
No. If you use multiple Blackbaud solutions and give existing users access to a solution for the first time, they can access the new solution within several minutes. They don't receive additional invitations.
No. Don't let multiple users share a Blackbaud ID. For security and user management, each user must have a unique Blackbaud ID.
A user can be redirected for the following reasons:
The user isn't linked to an account in Education Management. To verify a user is linked, see Manage Education Management security.
The user attempted to sign in from an invitation while already signed in with a different Blackbaud ID.
The invitation was canceled by an admin.
The URL was copied incorrectly from the invitation.
The user attempted to sign in from an invitation from that was forwarded.
After users have Blackbaud IDs, they can sign in to access Blackbaud resources. If they encounter issues with their Blackbaud IDs, see the Blackbaud ID FAQs.
To troubleshoot receiving emails from Blackbaud, see this Knowledgebase article.