There may be instances where a specific grade should be excluded from grade average calculations for a student. For example, your school's grading policy may state that if a student retakes a course, only the most recent grade is included in grade average calculations.
All grades are included in grade average calculations by default, but a Grading Manager can exclude a student's grade from calculations by disabling the Include in grade averages designation for that grade.
Note: Include in grade averages is only available via Enter grades by students in Grades & Credits. It is not available in Enter grades by class and it is not available for Grades & Credits - Dropped or Grades and Credits - Transfer.
Exclude a grade from grade average calculations
In Academics. select Grades, Grades management, then Enter grades by student.
Select the School Year, then use Search or select the first letter of the student's last name to find the student.
Under the student's name, select View next to Grades & Credits.
Use the School Year and Course menus to locate the course and grade.
Select Edit.
Disable Include in grade averages under the grade you want to exclude.
Select Save.
Note: In grade average calculations, Grading Managers can opt to ignore the Include in grade averages designation and include all grades in a calculation. For more information, see Create Grade Calculations & Rank.
Tip: Use the Include in grade averages column or filter in the Report Card Grades List to review the designation on student grades.