Drop Box
When you generate communication and exported reports, you can chose to store the files in your eTapestry drop box to download later. Each user has a separate drop box.
To access your drop box, from Home, click See All beside My Drop Box. You can also click My Drop Box from the Quick Links tile on your home dashboard.
To download an item, click the file name. The file is downloaded to your computer, based on your browser settings.
To view how much storage you have used and how much space remains, access your drop box and review the Space Used information. If your drop box is nearly full, but has not yet exceeded its storage limits, you can still send a file to the drop box, even if that file would cause you to exceed the storage limit. However, after the limit is exceeded, you must delete files before you can store additional items here again.
To delete an item, click Delete under the file name. The file is removed from eTapestry. To delete all files from the drop box, click Clear Drop Box.