Calendar Items

Calendar items allow you to schedule tasks, plan meetings, and remind yourself of upcoming events. Some common uses for calendar items include:

  • Creating a to-do list of tasks you want to accomplish

  • Scheduling meetings and emailing notifications of the meeting to the attendees

  • Setting recurring reminders to remind users to perform a task on a regular basis

Calendar items can appear on the Home page for all users to view. For meetings, users who are attendees can review the item and set the status to pending or accepted. For action items, users can set the status to "Complete" after the task is done.

Calendar items can include an invitation that provide different options for editing, querying, and reporting.

You can only create calendar items on user accounts. You can list constituents and tributes as attendees on a calendar item, and this causes an invitation version of the calendar item to appear on the constituent or tribute account's journal. Additionally, users can be listed as attendees, causing the invitation version of a calendar item to appear on the user account's journal.

Because a calendar item can only be created on a user account, when you select Add Calendar Item on a constituent, tribute, or other user's account, eTapestry displays a New Calendar Item screen on your user account, with the constituent, tribute, or other user account set as an attendee.

When you save that calendar item, there is a calendar item entry on your user account's journal and an invitation version of the calendar item entry on the constituent, tribute, or other user's journal.