Generate and Send eReceipts
Note: You cannot receipt the following transaction types: pledges, split/upgraded pledges, disbursements, recurring gift schedules, and soft credits.
You can automatically generate a receipt number to include on communication templates. In eTapestry, when you include receipt information as a part of your communication templates, you are creating an "eReceipt" by definition. You can print or email eReceipts to recipients.
When you set up templates for eReceipts, you need to include the following data merge tags from the journal fields category.
Generated Receipt Number - Shows the receipt number that eTapestry generates for each transaction. If you select to void receipts, the voided receipt number is used. If you replace receipts, the new receipt number is used.
Generated Voided Receipt Number - Shows the voided receipt number for each transaction. This is required for templates used to replace receipt numbers.
For each field, add text to the template to label the data merge tag, so the recipient can understand what the number indicates.
After you complete the design for a communication template for eReceipts, use the template to generate, void, and replace receipts for multiple transactions and accounts based on a query, a single transaction, or for online transactions.
When generating eReceipts for a query of transactions, you can select to generate separate receipts for each transaction, or you can group transactions together by account to create multiple transaction receipts.
Tip: If your organization has a Canadian database, your donors will also receive a PDF attachment to the confirmation email with the same receipt details. For security purposes, these attachments are not editable.

Before you begin, make sure your communication template contains the Generated Receipt Number and Generated Voided Receipt Number data merge tags described in the introduction to this section.
To generate eReceipts for a group of transactions in a query, create one that includes the transactions to receipt.
Warning: You cannot remove a receipt number for a transaction. However, you can void or replace it. We recommend you preview the query before you use it to generate receipts, so you can verify the query includes the correct transactions.
Under the communication category name that includes your eReceipt template, click Create Documents.
When you generate documents, make the following adjustments.
On Step 1, make sure the query you use has a Journal entry return type.
On Step 2, select Grouping options.
One Document Per Journal Entry - Generates separate receipts for each transaction.
Tip: When you select this option, each segment in a split transaction receives its own receipt number.
One Document Per Account - Generates one receipt per constituent. When a constituent has multiple transactions, a single receipt with all of the transactions generates.
One Document Per Household - Receipt actions do not apply when you group by household.
On Step 3, select receipting options.
Nothing - eReciepting actions do not occur. eTapestry generates documents based on the Grouping option selected on Step 2, but receipt numbers do not generate, void, or replace.
Generate - When you select the Assign a receipt number to transactions checkbox, eTapestry generates a document for each eReceipt and assigns a unique receipt number to eligible transactions. Documents do not generate for ineligible transactions and transactions that already have receipt numbers.
When you select the Void existing receipts and create checkbox, eTapestry generates voids active receipts and creates new receipt numbers for affected transactions. There is no impact to transactions without existing receipt numbers.
Note: When you select both Generate options, active receipts in your query are voided and new receipt numbers generate for all eligible transactions in the query; it does not matter whether they were previously receipted or not.
Void - eTapestry voids transactions that have an active or valid receipt. When you select this, "VOID" appears on each generated document. There is no impact to transactions without existing receipt numbers.
Select receipt bundling options.
When a multiple transaction receipt is created, the transactions are "bundled" together with the same receipt number. Your query may contain transactions that share an active receipt number with other transactions not included in the query so these options determine how to handle multiple transaction receipts that you previously created.
Skip those transactions - Transactions that share an active receipt number with other transactions not included in the query will be skipped and documents do not generate.
Apply the receipting action to all transactions that share the same receipt number - The receipting action applies to all transactions in the bundle, even though some transactions may not be in the query.
When you void and generate new receipt numbers, you apply the action to all of the transactions in the bundle. When you void the receipt number, but do not generate a new receipt, the transactions are no longer bundled, and you can receipt them separately.
On Step 4, select how you want to deliver the letters. To email receipts directly to the donor accounts, select Automatically email documents to accounts with email addresses. For recipients without an email address on their account records, a file generates for you to print and mail the documents.
On Step 5, select how to track the letters.
On Step 6, preview the summary information.
Tip: When the options you select do not apply to any transactions in the query, an error message appears.
Click Run.

Before you begin, make sure your communication template contains the Generated Receipt Number and Generated Voided Receipt Number data merge tags described in the introduction to this section.
To generate a receipt for a single transaction, open the transaction and click Create Document. The Generate Letters Wizard appears. For details about how to generate one-off documents, refer to Generate One-Off Documents.
For Criteria, select a template that includes eReceipt data merge values.
For Receipting, select a receipt option for the transaction.
Nothing - eReciepting actions do not occur. eTapestry generates a document, but receipt numbers do not generate, void, or replace.
Generate - Assign a unique receipt number to an eligible transaction that has never been receipted and generate a document for it.
Generate (Replace) - If the transaction has an active or voided receipt number, create a new number and generate a document. Previously active numbers are voided.
This option does not appear unless you previously receipted the transactions.
Void - Voids an active or valid receipt and generates a new document. The word "VOID" appears on the document.
Note: When the receipt status reads "Split transaction with different receipt numbers," the program voids current receipt numbers and replaces them with different numbers for all transactions. When the status reads "Split transaction with different receipt numbers when one or more segments shares a receipt number with another transaction," the program does not void or replace numbers. To void and replace receipts with this status, create a query that contains the split transaction and send a communication.
You cannot generate new multiple transactions receipts when you generate eReceipts for a single transaction. However, you can void or replace the receipt number for a bundle when you generate a one-off document. When you perform an action on a multiple transaction receipt, all transactions in the bundle are affected.
Tip: When a multiple transaction receipt is created, the transactions are "bundled" together with the same receipt number. To create receipts for multiple transactions, create a query and send a communication.

You can automatically generate a receipt number to include on donation confirmation email messages for transactions submitted through any eTapestery online forms. Depending on the type of online form, the communication template you use for online transaction eReceipts must include the Generated Receipt Number merge value, the eCommerce Details widget, or the Order Details widget to display eReceipt information. When you send an eReceipt, it includes the next unique receipt number that is available in the database on each receipt.
Note: eTapestry does not generate eReceipts for recurring gifts submitted through a DIY form, eCommerce page, or Fundraiser.
DIY Form: Under Online Settings, select the Generate receipts on transactions from this page checkbox to generate eReceipts for transactions submitted on the published web page. The communication template you use for this donor confirmation email must include the Generated Receipt Number merge value or the eCommerce Details widget to generate the eReceipt information. For more information about DIY froms, refer to Create an online form.
Note: eTapestry does not generate eReceipts for recurring gifts submitted through a DIY form.
Tip: If you do not select a communication template for the DIY form, eTapestry uses the default template to automatically include eReceipt information.
Personal Fundraiser: The Generate receipts on gifts from this page checkbox appears on Step 8: Donation Options for both donations and registrations. The communication template you use for this confirmation email must include the Generated Receipt Number merge value to include the eReceipt information. For more information, refer to Step 8: Donation Options.
Tip: If you do not select a communication template for the Personal Fundraiser, eTapestry uses the default template to automatically include eReceipt information.
eStore (Cart): When you edit cart preferences, the Generate receipts on transactions from this page checkbox appears on Step 5: Transaction Options. On Step 4: Email Options, the communication template you select in the Email Template field uses the required Order Details widget to include the eReceipt information. In the Confirmation Sender field, you must also enter the email address you want to display as the sender. For information about editing cart preferences, refer to Set eStore Preferences.

When you edit a transaction on the Journal page, the receipt number appears under Basic Information. To view receipt details, click the number. Voided receipt numbers appear with a strikethrough. When you replace a receipt number, the new number appears beside the voided number.

Use these query fields when you query on receipt transactions. All fields appear in the Journal category.
Transaction generated receipt date - Locate transactions based on the date a transaction's receipt was issued.
Transaction generated receipt range - Locate transactions with receipt numbers in a specific range.
Transaction generated receipt status - Locate transactions based on their current receipt status (original, voided, replaced, or none).
Use these custom report fields to report on receipt transactions. All fields appear in the Journal Fields category.
Generated receipt date issued - Shows the date that a transaction's receipt was issued.
Generated receipt number - Shows the current active or voided receipt number on a transaction.
Generated receipt status - Shows the transaction's current receipt status (original, voided, replaced, or none).
Generated voided receipt number - Shows the voided receipt number on transactions for receipts that have been voided and replaced.