Step Two - Map Your Import File with Name Formats

Video: Review the Account Information Import Tutorial

  1. On Step 2 of the import wizard, the Map your Import File page appears with multiple sections to help you identify groups of eTapestry fields for a particular area in the application.

    The fields that appear on the page are determined by the import type you select on Step 1. For example, when you select the Single Gift by Account Number type, gift fields appear. When you select an Account Information type, additional sections appear for individual, family, and business account fields, in addition to the All other account fields section.

  2. To search for potential duplicates based on an eTapestry field, select the checkbox for at least one key. For example, to search for duplicates by name, select the checkbox in the Key column beside the Account Name field. You should also select to key on the Persona Type field to make sure future imports for persona information are successful for existing accounts.

    Tip: You should only map to Account Number to select its Key checkbox to identify duplicate accounts. You cannot import data into the eTapestry Account Number field because the import does not overwrite existing account number IDs and it automatically assigns an ID number for each new account.

    On Step 4, you review potential duplicates and indicate how to handle them in the import.

  3. To map to a field in the import file, click the icon beside the eTapestry field in the Import Data column. The Select Import Field screen appears with a list of all column titles from your import file. To map the import field to the eTapestry field, click the corresponding column title link. The Select Import Field screen closes and you return to the Step 2 page.

    Tip: As you map fields, you can view a sample of your data to import beside the field. Use this to confirm you are mapping fields correctly. You also review all mapped data on Step 3 of the import wizard.

    • You may need to map more than one field from your import file to the same field in eTapestry. For example, if you have a column for First Name and a column for Last name on your source file, you may want to map both columns to the eTapestry Account Name field. To do this, click the icon beside the field in the Import Data column and select the First Name field, enter a space, and select the last name field. You can also do this for the Sort Name field. However, map the last name field first, enter a comma and a space, and then map the First Name field.

    • Under All other account fields, you can remove a field from the page when your import file does not contain data for it. To do this, click the X beside the field. This prevents inadvertently mapping data to the field in eTapestry.

    • After you map all required fields, you can select additional fields to map. To select an additional eTapestry field to map to, click Import Another eTapestry Field. The Select eTapestry Field screen appears. The list that appears includes all eligible fields for this import type, including user-defined fields.

      You can select as many of these fields as you need for your import. After you select the fields, you must map them to a column from your source file. To do this, click the icon beside each field in the Import Data column and select the appropriate field.

    • In the Persona Type field, you can map a field from your import file. To import the same type for all accounts in the import, manually enter the type in the field in the Import Data column.

    • In the Address Lines, City, State/Province, Postal Code, and County fields, you can map address fields from your import file. To map to an address field in the import file, click the icon beside the eTapestry address field in the Import Data column. The Select Import Field screen appears with a list of all column titles from your import file. To map the import field to the eTapestry address field, click the corresponding column title link.
  4. For fields with established name and salutation rules, you can apply the name value configuration you selected for these fields to maintain consistent name data in your database.

    Note: If the data entry rule for a required field is set to Blank, you must provide a value from your import file.

    • Individual Name Format - In the drop down menus for Account Name, Sort Name, and Salutation fields, you can select to generate name values based on the name and salutation rules your organization has set up in eTapestry or generate the name format or salutation according to the import file or custom text you enter in these fields.

    • Business and Family Name Format - In the drop down menus for Sort Name and Salutation fields, you can select to generate name values based on the name and salutation rules your organization has set up in eTapestry or generate the name format or salutation according to the import file or custom text you enter in these fields.

  5. When you are finished mapping all your data, click Next to navigate to step three of the import wizard.