Line Items and Line Item Distributions
Line items on the purchase order record displays all the line items associated with the purchase order.
Line item distributions contain account distribution information such as debit and credit accounts, the amount to distribute, and whether to classify distributions using projects or transaction codes. You can add line item distribution information when you add a line item and select to edit its details.
There are three line item types: Quanity/Price, Flat, and , Comment.
Quantiy/Price line items are goods or services you want to purchase from a vendor.
Flat line items are used for additional charges involved with items in a purchase order. For example, shipping charges could be a flat line item.
Comment line items are useful for attaching additional information to a purchase order. For example, if an item cannot be backordered, you could create a comment line item stating “No Backorders."
Tip: If you have vendor default distributions defined, these details will automatically populate. For more information, see Vendor Default Distributions.

Under Distributions, select the accounts, amount, project, grant, or transaction code for the distribution.
Tip: To save time, select More to apply a distribution set. Distribution sets default the information you need in the line instead of selecting it in each column.
Note: Credit accounts will appear as you defined them from PO Encumbrance under Settings, Configuration, Default accounts. For more information, see Payables default account settings.
To continue defining the distribution across other accounts or projects, add the additional lines you need and select the applicable information.
To evenly distribute the amount across multiple lines, select More, Distribute evenly.
To distribute different amounts based on a percentage, select More, Distribute by percent, and enter the different percents in the Percent column. The percentages must total 100% to save the distribution.
If you need to distribute the amount across multiple projects or transaction codes, select in the split column. Here, you can select to apply a project distribution set and you can also select to split the line amount evenly.
You can select More to hide the secondary credit account column. The debit accounts continue to display in the Account column.