Query Editor
From the query editor, you can view selections for a query’s search criteria, the information that appears when a query runs, the order the information is sorted, and the settings for the query. You can also view the results of a query from the Results tab.
To open the query editor, select the query name or Edit from the menu.
Note: Some Query features may be disabled as we develop them in web view. Full support of these features will be available in future releases.
Tip: To reduce the amount of time you search for fields in the query editor, select the fields you use most often and include them in a list of favorite fields. For more information, see Favorite Fields.
From Criteria, select available criteria fields and criteria operators that determine which records appear in query results:
Under Available fields, select the criteria field group name to view its criteria fields.
Select a criteria field to add it to the Criteria list.
Note: You can only select fields that are currently supported. Full support of fields will be available in a future release.
Select an operator and enter a value to determine which records to include. For more information, see Criteria Operators.
Under Criteria, you can further narrow query results:
To reorder criteria fields, drag and drop the criteria field or select the criteria field’s menu and select Move up or Move down.
Select the criteria field’s menu or the criteria field name to combine operators . For more information, see Combine operators.
To edit a criteria field’s operator or values, select Edit from its menu or select the criteria field name.
To remove a criteria field from the list, select Remove from its menu.
From Output, select optional output fields that determine the information your query returns. Output fields display as column headings in query results.
Under Available fields, select the output field group name to view its fields.
Select an output field to add it to the Output list.
Under Output, you can further customize your output fields:
To reorder output fields, drag and drop the output field or select the output field’s menu and select Move up or Move down.
To edit an output field’s column heading, select Edit column heading from its menu or select the output field name.
To remove an output field from the list, select Remove from its menu.
From Sort, you can manage the order in which records appear in query results:
Under Available fields, select the sort field group name to view its fields.
Select a sort field to add it to the Sort by list.
Under Sort by, you can select the fields you want to sort by and the sorting order:
To reorder sort fields, drag and drop the sort field or select the output field’s menu and select Move up or Move down.
Select the sort field to toggle between ascending and descending order.
To edit an output field’s column heading, select Edit column heading from its menu.
To remove a sort field from the list, select Remove from its menu.
From Options, you can edit general query information, such as query name, type, format, category, and description. You can also set who can run and modify your query and select processing options for your query.
For more information, see Query Options.
From Results, you can view the records returned by your query run with the output fields included as column headers.
Tip: To quickly open a record from query results in a new tab, hover over the result and use Ctrl + click.
Note: From the Results tab, you can select Refresh to run the query again.
While a query runs, you can select Stop query to stop the process. The amount of records the query returns when you finish the query run or when you select to stop the run appears next to Records.
To make creating queries easier, you can create a copy of another query and tweak its selections as necessary. To save a copy of an existing query in web view, select Save as.
To share a query with other users, from the query editor, select Copy link.
To export query results to a CSV file, select Export.
You can view the criteria, sort, and output fields applied to your query under Query Fields on the Criteria, Sort, and Output tabs of the query editor.