Add purchase orders
From Payables, Purchase orders or from Purchase orders on the vendor record, select Add.
Note: Don’t see this yet? Purchase orders is currently in Limited Availability (LA) for some of our customers. We’ll monitor your feedback and make improvements as we prepare for general availability.
Tip: After you add and save a purchase order, you can print. From the purchase orders list, select Generate from the menu of a purchase order. Then choose to generate an existing purchase order form or add a new one. After the form generates, you can print or export. You can also generate and print directly from the record (as long as that status isn't closed or canceled).
From the Purchase orders list, select Add, Purchase order.
In the Vendor field, enter or select the vendor associated with this purchase order. If a previous purchase order exists for the vendor, the option to Copy a previous purchase order or Generate from blanket purchase order may appear.
In the Type field, select "Regular" or "Blanket."
For any invoices generated from the purchase order receipt, the Purchase order number field is not editable .
In the Order date field, enter the date the order was placed.
The Status field defaults to "Open purchase order."
In the Order from field, select the vendor address you want to use.
In the Ship via field, select the shipping method to use.
In the FOB (Freight on board) field, enter the point at which the client assumes ownership of the order.
In the Terms field select how you want to calculate special terms. This field entry calculates automatically based on the vendor record discount and due date information.
In the Buyer field, select the individual responsible for payment.
In the Department field, select the department for which the order is being placed.
In the Confirm to field, enter the name of the person with whom the order was placed.
In the Ship to field, select the billing address. You can click the magnifying glass to open and edit the address.
In the Attention field, enter the name of the person to whom the package is being shipped.
Under Line items, you can enter line items for the purchase order. A line item is an individual charge for an item such as a product or service. To edit more details for the line item, including line item distributions, select Edit in the Details column. For more information, see Line Item Distributions.
In the Vendor column, you can select or change the vendor. This is helpful when you want to associate a particular vendor with a purchase request line item.
In the Comments field, enter any comments to associate with this purchase order. These comments are printed on the bottom of the purchase order.
Under Attachments, you can add attachments to the purchase by moving a file into the Drag a file here box or by browsing to the file. You can also link to a file online — such as a picture, blog post, or YouTube video — or in a cloud storage account.
Select Save.
You can copy a previous purchase order to save time when you create a new purchase order. After you select the type of purchase order and select the vendor, the Copy previous purchase order option may appear.
The Copy previous purchase order functionality is helpful when you create a lot of similar purchase orders for a vendor because it can save you time. When you select an existing vendor on the Add a purchase order screen, the last three purchase orders created for that vendor appear. If you don't see the purchase order you want to copy, you can search for one. To make locating the purchase orders easier, you can enter the description, amount, invoice date, or PO number in the Search field.
Once you locate the purchase order you want to copy, simply select it to automatically populate the Amount, Description, Approval status, Payment method, Paid from, and distribution information from that purchase order. You can edit this information as needed. You can also add any additional information such as discounts or custom fields. The only fields you have to enter (that are not copied over) are the Invoice date, Due date, and Invoice number. The only fields not copied are the purchase order number, order date, status, attachments, notes, and receipts.
Tip: You can’t copy purchase orders for different vendors. You can only copy them for the same one.
If a blanket purchase order exists for a vendor, you can generate a regular purchase order from a blanket purchase order. The original blanket purchase order is automatically updated to reflect the purchased items until you fulfill the blanket purchase order. After you select the "Regular" type of purchase order, select Generate from blanket purchase order if it appears.
From the Purchase orders list, select Add Purchase orders from purchase requests.
In the Post status field, select “Not yet posted” or “Do not post”. If you select “Not yet posted”, you must enter a valid post date.
In the Interfund entry set field, select a set to balance the accounts if the debit and credit accounts aren't in the same fund. For more details, see Interfund Sets.
In the Ship via field, select the shipping method to use.
In the FOB (Freight on board) field, enter the point at which the client assumes ownership of the order.
In the Ship to field, select the area to receive the order.
In the Department field, select the department for which the order is being placed.
An entry in the Terms field is optional. This field calculates automatically based on the vendor record discount and due date information.
In the Confirm to field, enter the name of the person with whom the order was placed.
In the Buyer field, select the individual responsible for buying the items.
In the Attention field, enter the name of the person to whom the package is being shipped.
In the Comments field, enter any comments to associate with this purchase order. These comments are printed on the bottom of the purchase order.
Select Next to view the line items. Select the purchase requests you want to include into the purchase order. If you do not select a purchase request, it is removed from the PO and a separate purchase order is created.
Note: Select Pre-generation report to review a control report before creating the purchase orders.
Select Create purchase orders.