Delete Voided Payments
You can delete voided payments from Pay invoices on the bank account record. Types of voided payments you can delete include computer checks, EFTs, bank drafts, and manual checks. You can specify the range of payments to delete by payment number or date. Deleted payments are removed from the Bank register.
Note: To delete a single voided payment, go to the Bank register and select Delete from the context menu next to the transaction you want to delete. For more information, see the Delete single voided payment procedure below.
When you specify the range of voided payments to delete, you can include non-voided payments or other payment types, but they will not be deleted or changed. Only the voided payments in the range you specify are deleted.
Note: Keep in mind, you can delete payments only if you have security rights established in the database view. If you do not have these rights and think you should, contact your system administrator.
From Pay invoices, select Actions, then select Delete voided payments. The Delete voided payments screen displays.
Select the Transaction type you want to delete. You can delete voided computer checks, EFTs, manual checks, and bank drafts.
From Delete by, select Payment number or Payment date. Depending on your selection, enter the number or date of the first voided payment in the range of transactions you want to delete.
Note: To delete a single voided payment, enter the same start and end number.
To print a control report of the deleted payments, select Print control report.
Select Delete now.
Note: To quickly locate voided payments, use the Bank register filters and Status column.
From the Bank register, select Delete from the context menu next to the voided transaction you want to delete. The Delete payment screen displays.
Tip: You can also open the voided payment you want to delete and select Delete from the action bar.
To print a report of the activity, select Print control report.
Select Delete now.