Fixed Assets Business Rules
Business rules help you customize standard procedures and requirements to suit your organization. Business rules affect all users and are usually defined by the system administrator.
For more information about business rules, see:

When defining General business rules, consider the following:
Under Budget Check, mark Only check budgets for income statement accounts to limit the budget-checking process to revenue and expense accounts. When marked, you can select a budget scenario to determine whether you are within your budget.
Under Accounts, specify if you will allow non-bank transactions to use cash accounts, and how you want to handle over budget spending for accounts. You can also specify if you will allow transactions for accounts that have no budget.
Note: We recommend that you never allow non-bank transactions to use cash accounts.
Under Project, you set budgeting requirements for projects, and how you want to handle over budget spending for projects. You can also specify if you will allow transactions for projects that have no budget.
Under Grants, you set budgeting requirements for grants, and how you want to handle over budget spending for grants.
Under General ledger, mark the checkbox if you want to prevent changing a default account number to one that is already in use.

When defining business rules for Assets, consider the following:
Automatically generate new asset IDs. When marked, Fixed Assets automatically generates new asset ID numbers when you add assets. You also designate the first number to use when creating asset ID numbers.
Number of characters. Designate how many characters to use when creating new asset ID numbers.
Prevent data entry to the asset ID field. When marked, asset ID numbers are locked and cannot be edited. This prevents missing or duplicate asset IDs.
Duplicate asset criteria. In the grid, select field names for finding duplicate records in queries and duplicate asset reports.
Automatically check for duplicate assets. When marked, Fixed Assets automatically searches for duplicates when you save a new asset.

When defining business rules for transactions, consider the following:
Exclude 'Do not post' as a post status. With this business rule, you can exclude "Do not post" as a post status on fixed asset transactions.