Financial Insights
To help ease common analysis of tasks, Financial Edge NXT provides several insights out-of-the-box in Analysis.
To view an insight in Insights, select Open, and search by its name or select it under all.
To add an insight to a dashboard in Dashboards, search by its name under Insights and move it to the dashboard.
Tip: When you search for an insight, those provided out-of-the-box appear with a lock. To save any additional filters, attributes, or other changes to a default insight, select Save as new to create a custom insight.

With the Account history of changes table insight, analyze status changes for an account, based on the filters. You can view the old and new values, account number and description, date changed, and the user who made the change.

With the Accounts added over time line graph insight, analyze the number of new accounts added by specific users for a given time period, based on the filters. Review this metric periodically to examine which users are adding new accounts, and how often.

With the Aged accounts payable donut chart insight, analyze the age of each invoice in your system to quickly asses the amount of money your organization owes vendors. Use this weekly or monthly to ensure your invoices are being paid in a timely manner.

With the Aged accounts receivable donut chart insight, analyze the age of each receivable in your system to quickly asses the amount of money owed to your organization. Use this weekly or monthly to ensure your organization is receiving payments in a timely manner.

With the Bank reconciliation history table insight, analyze reconciliation details — such as Last reconciled by and Reconciliation date — for each bank account, based on the filters. You can also view the number of days since the account was last reconciled as well as the balance.

With the Budget vs Actuals, accounts by month by fiscal year column chart insight, analyze account details around the amount spent vs. the amount budgeted for a specific budget scenario and account category.
The chart presents a comparison of budgeted funds vs. funds spent per month, based on the filters.
Note: Actuals are only relative to the account associated with the budget scenario record.

With the Budget vs Actuals, accounts by year by fiscal year column chart insight, analyze account details around the amount spent vs. the amount budgeted for a specific budget scenario and account category.
The chart presents a comparison of budgeted funds vs. funds spent per fiscal year, based on the filters.
Note: Actuals are only relative to the account associated with the budget scenario record.

With the Budget vs Actuals, projects by month by fiscal year column chart insight, analyze details around the amount spent vs. the amount budgeted for projects across accounts.
The chart presents a comparison of budgeted funds vs. funds spent per month, based on the filters.
Note: Actuals are only relative to the project associated with the budget scenario record.

With the Budget vs Actuals, projects by year by fiscal year column chart insight, analyze details around the amount spent vs. the amount budgeted for projects across accounts.
The chart presents a comparison of budgeted funds vs. funds spent per fiscal year, based on the filters.
Note: Actuals are only relative to the project associated with the budget scenario record.

With the Check history of changes table insight, analyze the old and new value for any field changed — such as Check number or Status — for a check, based on the filters. You can also view the date changed as well as the user who made the change.
Note: In the unlikely event that our Data Warehouse is fully refreshed, purged check details that appeared prior to a refresh will no longer be available under Check history. Details will appear, however, for purged check activity that occurs after a refresh.

With the Expenses by project pie and bar chart insights, analyze expenses broken down by project, based on the filters. Use this insight to quickly view project activity — across multiple projects — by transaction code or project types.

With the Expenses by project by transaction code table insight, analyze revenue or expenses broken down by project, and even further by transaction code. Use this insight to quickly view project activity — across multiple projects — by transaction code or project types.

With the Grants received table insight, analyze a list of grants broken down by grant type, based on filters such as ID and status.

With the Invoices table insight, analyze a list of invoices based on the filters.

With the Invoices added over time line graph insight, analyze the number of new invoices added by specific users for a given time period, based on the filters. Review this metric periodically to examine which users are adding new invoices, and how often.

With the Invoice request list by approvals donut chart insight, analyze the last user who approved a request. Use this insight (along with the Invoice request list by expense category table insight) to thoroughly review your expense management transactions.

With the Invoice request list by expense category table insight, analyze invoice requests including vendor, current status, associated approval rule, expense category, date, and amount. Use this insight (along with the Invoice request list by approvals donut chart insight) to thoroughly review your expense management transactions.

With the Invoice request list by requestor donut chart insight, analyze the status of invoice requests to assess which ones need attention. Filter by date range or vendor (requestor) for more details.

With the Journal entries added over time line chart insight, review journal entry batch trends for a given time period.

With the Journal entries by status table insight, review journal entry batch trends by status.

With the Outstanding receivables balance headline insight, analyze the total amount of money that is owed to your organization — from receivables — based on the filters. Receivables include the total amount of unpaid invoices, line items, and charges (minus any payments).

With the Outstanding receivables list table insight, analyze the most pressing receivables listed by due date and determine which receivable needs to be addressed first.

With the Payables forecast table insight, analyze future balances that are due to be paid. This insight helps you quickly asses the amount of money your organization will owe vendors. Use this weekly or monthly to ensure your organization's invoices will be paid in a timely manner.

With the Potential discounts available table insight, analyze vendor discounts that could apply to pending invoices prior to the discount's expiration. Use this to ensure you're taking advantage of relevant and timely discounts to save money.

With the Project history of changes table insight, analyze status changes for a project, based on the filters. You can view the project ID, description, fields that changed, old and new values, as well as who made the change and when.

With the Project income and expense activity table insight, analyze a breakdown of income and expenses for projects, based on the filters.

With the Projects added over time line graph insight, analyze the number of new projects added by specific users for a given time period, based on the filters. Review this metric periodically to examine which users are adding new projects, and how often.

With the Receivables client list table insight, analyze receivables metrics, such as outstanding balance and the total amount billed to clients, based on the filters.

With the Revenue by project pie and bar chart insights, analyze a breakdown of revenue by projects, based on the filters. For example, quickly view project activity — across multiple projects — by transaction code or project types.

With the Revenue by project by transaction code table insight, analyze a breakdown of revenue or expenses by projects, and even further by transaction code. For example, quickly view project activity — across multiple projects — by transaction code or project types.

With the Total invoice balance headline insight, analyze the total amount of money your organization owes based on the filters.

With the Total receivables billed headline insight, analyze the total amount of money your organization has billed to clients based on the filters.

With the Transaction list table insight, analyze a breakdown of transactions, based on filters such as post status and post date. This insight is particularly useful when you want to quickly view transactions that have not yet posted.

With the Unapplied credits headline insight, analyze the total amount of money a vendor owes your organization based on the filters.
Note: This total only reflects vendors associated with invoices in the selected timeframe.

With the Vendor history of changes table insight, analyze the old and new value for any field changed — such as Vendor name or Status — on a vendor record, based on the filters. You can also view the date changed as well as the user who made the change.

With the Vendors added over time line graph insight, analyze the number of vendor records added by specific users for a given time period. Review this metric daily or monthly to examine the volume of vendor records added to your system.

With the Vendors by status donut chart insight, analyze the total number of vendors and their status based on the filters.