Generate Purchase Order Forms
Purchase order forms include order details for goods or services provided by a vendor.
From Payables, Communications, under Purchase order forms, you can view, add, edit, and generate. Search and sort the list to quickly locate the form you want. To edit, select the form's name or choose Edit from the form's menu.
After you add and generate, you can view the form to ensure your parameters are accurate (if not, simply edit and generate again). From the form, you can choose to export or print.
From the Communications page, under Purchase order forms, select Add.
Under Basics, enter a name and description, and choose who can generate or modify the form.
Select Next.
Under Parameters, specify details to include and set the formatting.
As you move through each tab, select options and enter details to customize your info. You can always go back and update your parameters when needed.
Tip: To include logos on statements, select the logo and size under Purchase order format. You can add or edit them from Payables, Settings, Organization logos.
Depending on your needs, save and generate the form immediately or save and return at a later time.
To return to the Communications page, select Cancel.