Payment Assistant Audit and Reconciliation Questions
Note: Payment Assistantâ„¢ is currently in Limited Availability (LA). Are you interested in participating? Apply to join our LA group. During this time, we'll review and implement participant feedback to prepare for general availability.
Currently, the best way to do this is as an export from your register. Payment runs are recorded as bank draft records. From Treasury, open the bank account you are using with Payment Assistant. From the bank account record, select the Register tab. Before you export, we recommend you use the filters to show just the bank draft transaction type.
No, check images are available on the bank draft record. To open the bank draft record, from a payment run record, select the Payments tab and select the ID of the payment. Then, to see the check for the payment, on the Payment Assistant tile select Download check image.
You can also navigate to the bank draft from the invoice record. On the invoice record, see the Payments tile.
If you use bank feeds then payments are automatically matched to their payment run.
Before a payment run is approved, you can run a Pre-payment report from the payment run record. Also, from Reporting, we recommend the Cash disbursement journals.
For payments made with Payment Assistant, on the bank draft record, the payment run is linked from the Payment Assistant tile.
We recommend each organization develop a workflow that works well for you. Payment Assistant does notify you when all payments in the payment run have cleared the bank. You can use this notification to help build out your workflow.