Payment Assistant General Questions
Note: Payment Assistantâ„¢ is currently in Limited Availability (LA). Are you interested in participating? Apply to join our LA group. During this time, we'll review and implement participant feedback to prepare for general availability.
Payment Assistant is included with your subscription cost of Financial Edge NXT. We will notify you in advance should this policy need to change.
We have created a Get Started with Payment Assistant tutorial that walks you through the entire process.
That's our goal! For some customers, Payment Assistant can replace your entire process immediately. For others, there may still be a small number of payments that need to be processed separately, such as wire transfers and international payments.
Virtual cards are one-time, unique credit cards, without a physical card attached. An email is sent to the vendor with the card number, expiration date, and security code for the approved amount. The vendor processes the card like any other card payments and receives the funds.
Your organization can continue to use positive pay. You'll approve the payment run value instead of each payment. In addition, Payment Assistant uses positive pay on all outbound payments.
Payment Assistant is a combination of Blackbaud technology in Financial Edge NXT and our partner, REPAY's payment capabilities to bring this offering to Blackbaud customers. We work closely together to ensure the process works well within your existing Blackbaud solutions.
We currently support only one back account. However, it is on the roadmap. You can still adopt Payment Assistant if you process payments from multiple bank accounts. You need to pick the one account you want to use with Payment Assistant, and then proces the remaining payments for other accounts with your existing methods.
Payment Assistant uses ACH transfers to and from your bank account.
Payment Assistant currently supports paying invoices by virtual cards, ACH, and paper checks.
Payment Assistant reaches out to vendors when they first have an invoice to be paid. They choose their preferred payment method from the supported options: virtual cards, ACH, and paper checks.
If you have any issues with Payment Assistant, contact Blackbaud Customer Support.