Payment Assistant Invoice Entry Questions
Note: Payment Assistantâ„¢ is currently in Limited Availability (LA). Are you interested in participating? Apply to join our LA group. During this time, we'll review and implement participant feedback to prepare for general availability.
Vendor payment method defaults are used by payments you process yourself manually. Your organization processes the payments and pays the vendors directly. However, with Payment Assistant, we contact the vendors and arrange a payment method that is used for Payment Assistant only. Vendors can choose from ACH, one-time virtual card, or check.
Payment Assistant can be used with any invoice that's ready to be paid. It doesn't matter how the invoice was approved, so you can use either or both.
Payment Assistant doesn't require any additional special approvals. The existing invoice approval functionality, including business rules, is not affected by this new offering.
Automated invoice entry is not supported at this time. This feature is currently being considered for future development.