Post Subledgers

During the batch post process, transaction entries are added to your general ledger accounts and the account balances are updated accordingly. You can also validate and post batches for subledgers, such as Payables or Cash receipts, from General ledger, Post subledgers.

The Post parameters list displays all the parameters you have in the system. Use the context menu next to each parameter in the list for quick access to Edit, Validate, Post, and Delete tasks.

Under Post subledgers, select Post, and then select the subledgers and the post parameters to use. Available subledgers include:

  • Payables

  • Cash receipts

  • Receivables

  • Fixed assets

  • Cash management

When you post Cash management, choose Select bank accounts to filter the banks to include in the process. To post adjustments for specific bank accounts, include those accounts as well.

Note: You cannot reverse bank adjustments for Cash management. You also cannot reverse a bank transfer adjustment if either the “transfer out” transaction or the “transfer in” transaction has been posted.

You must have security rights to validate and post subledgers. For more information, see Role-based Security.