Posting Info
A journal reference is a user-defined, alphanumeric code added to each journal entry transaction during batch creation. Use journal references to track details and compare transactions with source documents.
Under General ledger, Settings, Posting info, you can customize journal references using prefixes for adjustments and reversals, journal values for transactions, as well as field and length details.
Under General, specify default prefixes for adjustments and reversals for quick identification.
To choose journal entries for each transaction type, such as Payables or Fixed assets, select Edit, then save your updated values.
Tip: You can add, edit, and delete journal values from Control panel, Fields and tables, Tables. Search for and select Journal, then add or update descriptions for each entry. For more information, see Manage Tables.
Under Journal references, specify the debit and credit fields (and length values) to include when creating journal references. Add or remove fields as necessary or revert to the original defaults.
To include additional, customized debit and credit fields, select Manage fields.
Warning: To save adjustments or records such as invoice and purchase orders, you must specify their journal values to use when posting.