Upgrade Yodlee
Yodlee is your third-party financial aggregator for bank and credit card feeds in Financial Edge NXT. A Yodlee upgrade is now available to:
Improve efficiency and overall customer experience
Improve security
For more details about the Yodlee upgrade, review Key Benefits on their website.
Note: Admins are the only users prompted to upgrade Yodlee. For more details, see Users.
Before you begin
Before you begin the Yodlee upgrade, we strongly recommend completing your current reconciliation process to avoid disruptions.
Warning: During the upgrade process, your Financial Edge NXT bank and credit card accounts are unlinked from your online accounts. After the upgrade completes, you must re-link these accounts.
Schedule upgrade
When the Yodlee upgrade is available for your organization, admins are notified through an alert in Treasury that includes a link to schedule the upgrade. To choose when to upgrade, select the link.

Run the upgrade now or schedule a time.
Warning: During the upgrade process, your Financial Edge NXT bank and credit card accounts are unlinked from your online accounts. After the upgrade completes, you must re-link these accounts.
Tonight at 11:30 (your time)
Automatically upgrade on (10 days from when the upgrade is made available to your organization)
Specific date and time (must be within 10 days)
Tip: The upgrade may take up to 30 minutes to complete. If you select Now or enter a specific date and time, be aware the upgrade starts on the hour after the time you enter. For example, if you enter 4:05 PM the upgrade begins at 5 PM.
Enable bank feeds again
Treasury> Bank accounts
Before you begin linking accounts again, you must first re-enable bank feeds.

On the Bank accounts page, select Settings.
Select Enable bank feeds for bank accounts.
To automatically match and clear payments during the download process, select Automatch payments.
To automatically match and clear deposits during the download process, select Automatch deposits.
Select Save.
Link bank accounts
Treasury> Bank accounts
After the upgrade completes, you must re-link your Financial Edge NXT bank accounts with your online bank accounts.

From the Bank accounts page, select Connect now.
Review and accept Yodlee's Terms of Use.
On the Connect bank accounts screen, select your bank and log in. After you successfully connect, you return to the Bank accounts page.
Tip: Can't connect to your bank? Review Troubleshoot Yodlee for troubleshooting info.
To link your accounts again, select Continue linking in the alert message.
From the Bank feed setup screen, link the online account to a Financial Edge NXT bank account.
Repeat this step to link additional accounts as necessary.
When you're done, select Save and close. You're all set!
Link credit card accounts
Treasury> Credit card accounts
After the upgrade completes, you must re-link your Financial Edge NXT credit card accounts with your online credit card accounts.

In the banner at the top of the Credit card accounts page, select connect your credit card accounts with your online accounts.
On the Migrate credit card accounts screen, select Add more accounts.
On the Connect bank accounts screen, select your bank and log in.
After you log in successfully, select Save & Finish to return to the Migrate credit card accounts screen.
Note: If you have more than one account to connect, select Save & Link More Accounts to connect the remaining accounts.
Tip: Can't connect to your bank? Review how to Troubleshoot Yodlee.
Under Online accounts, search for the account to link to the Financial Edge NXT credit card account. Search by entering at least three characters of the account name, account cardholder's name, or the account number. You can also search by the last four digits of the credit card number.
Repeat this step to link additional accounts as necessary.
Warning: These cards were previously linked to an online account. You must re-link them before you can select Connect.
Select Connect. You're all set! The page refreshes and you return to the list of credit card accounts.